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Sunday, August 7, 2011

S.H.E - An Jing Le "安静了" (It's Quiet Now) lyrics

S.H.E-An Jing Le-cover-lyrics
S.H.E -  An Jing Le "安静了" (It's Quiet Now) lyrics

S.H.E - "安静了" (An Jing Le)
It's Quiet Now
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized

Album: (我的電台 FM S.H.E)

Hanzi Lyrics

却成了 单人結婚進行曲
爱我还是爱你 你选择了自己

撒嬌的 可爱的 黏人的 爱哭的
照片里 曾经的都是你喜欢的
如今我还在原地 你却走回你的记忆

你说我爱你太多 就快要把你淹沒
分开是一种解脱 让你好好的想过
我想要的那片天空 你是不是能够給我

你说我給你太多 却不能給我什么
分不清激情 承诺 永恆或迷惑
爱情是一道伤口 我们各自苦痛
沉默是我最后溫柔 是因为我太爱你

安靜了 在我枕邊的梦裡
爱不是一加一 努力就有結局

撒嬌的 可爱的 黏人的 爱哭的
照片里 曾经的都是你喜欢的
臉頰的淚还溫熱 却沒有人握我的手

你说我爱你太多 就快要把你淹沒
分开是一种解脫 让你好好的想过
我想要的那片天空 你是不是能够給我

你说我給你太多 却不能給我什么
分不清激情 承诺 永恆或迷惑
爱情是一道伤口 我们各自苦痛
沉默是我最后溫柔 是因为我太爱你

Pinyin Lyrics

Zhi Sheng Xia Gang Qin Pei Wo Zhan Zai Zhe Li
Meng Xiang Zhong Shu Yu Wo Men De Hun Li
Que Cheng Le Dan Ren Jie Hun Jin Xing Qu
Zai Zhe Chang Ai Qing Jiao Li De Ba He Li
Ai Wo Hai Shi Ai Ni
Ni Xuan Ze Le Zi Ji

Sa Jiao De
Ke Ai De
Nian Ren De
Ai Ku De
Zhao Pian Li
Ceng Jing De Dou Shi Ni Xi Huan De
Ru Jin Wo Hai Zai Yuan Di
Ni Que Zou Hui Ni De Ji Yi

Ni Shuo Wo Ai Ni Tai Duo
Jiu Kuai Yao Ba Ni Yan Mo
Ni Hai Pa Xing Fu Duan Zhan Yi Miao Jiu Peng Luo
Fen Kai Shi Yi Zhong Jie Tuo
Rang Ni Hao Hao De Xiang Guo
Wo Xiang Yao De Na Pian Tian Kong
Ni Shi Bu SHi Neng Gou Gei Wo

Ni Shuo Wo Gei Ni Tai Duo
Que Bu Neng Gei Wo Shen Me
Fen Bu Qing Ji Qing Cheng Nuo Yong Heng Huo Mi Huo
Ai Qing Shi Yi Dao Sheng Kou
Wo Men Ge Zi Ku Tong
Cheng Mo Shi Wo Zui Hou Wen Rou
Shi Yin Wei Wo Tai Ai Ni

Zhi Sheng Xia Gang Qin Pei Wo Zhan Zai Zhe Li
Meng Xiang Zhong Shu Yu Wo Men De Hun Li
An Jing Le
Zai Wo Zhen Bian De Meng Le
Wo Zhi Dao Xiang Ai Yuan Ben Bu Rong Yi
Ai Bu Shi Yi Jia Yi Nu Li Jiu You Jie Ju

Sa Jiao De
Ke Ai De
Nian Ren De
Ai Ku De
Zhao Pian Li
Ceng Jing De Dou Shi Ai Zhe Ni De
Lian Jia De Lei Hai Wen Re
Que Mei You Ren Wo Wo De Shou

English Translation Lyrics

Only the piano with me standing here ,
That dream wedding that belongs to us
Has become the single march,
In this love wrestling in the tug-of-war
Love me or love you, you choose yourself

crying ,
They were your favorite photographs
Now I am still stading here,but you went back your memories

You said I love you too much until you feel soon your submerged,
You're afraid that happiness from would be short and the next thing it will fall,
Separately is a good release,
For you to think about
That sky* i wanted, whether you can or cannot give me

You said I give you too much but can not give me anything
Can't see clearly passion promise eternal* and mystify*
Love is a painful wound of our respective pain
Silence is my last gentle because I love you

There is the piano thats left standing here with me,
The dream wedding that belongs to me,
Silence*, near my pillow's dream,
I know love each other is not easy from the beginning,
love does not have an ending by only effort.

crying ,
They were your favorite photographs
Now I am still stading here,but you went back your memories

You said I love you too much until you feel soon your submerged,
You're afraid that happiness from would be short and the next thing it will fall,
Separately is a good release,
For you to think about
That sky* i wanted, whether you can or cannot give me

You said I give you too much but can not give me anything ,
Can't see clearly passion promise eternal* and mystify* ,
Love is a painful wound of our respective pain,
Silence is my last gentle is because I love you

Sky= is something like future or desire
eternal= mean forever loved (something like that)
mystify= here means is like lust or illusion

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