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Sunday, August 7, 2011

S.H.E - SHERO lyrics

S.H.E - SHERO cover

S.H.E (Selina, Hebe, Ella)


Lyrics English Translation & Romanized

2010 Taipei International Flower Expo theme song

Album: SHERO

 Hanzi Lyrics

陪自己 看煙火 陪著自己 去兜風
向軟弱 說分手 自己旅行 自己夢

喝一罐 冰啤酒 灌溉久違 的酒窩
讓笑容 回到雙頰的粉紅

那是誰說 女孩沒有ROCK'N ROLL
我對我說 當最後只剩下我 誰是我英雄?

看不到 找不到 等不到 妳的 HERO
為何不 作自己 隻手撐天的 SHERO

妳可以 我可以 為自己赴湯蹈火 的SHERO
像女王 揮舞著 驕傲披風

先轉身 先自由 先說再見 先解脫
世界在 他背後 原來這麼 的遼闊

也堅強 也溫柔 也有緊握 的拳頭
去敲奏 全新生活的節奏

那是誰說 女孩沒有ROCK'N ROLL
我對我說 當最後只剩下我 誰是我英雄?

看不到 找不到 等不到 妳的 HERO
為何不 作自己 隻手撐天的 SHERO

妳可以 我可以 為自己赴湯蹈火 的SHERO
像女王 揮舞著 驕傲披風

在我的編年史中 寫下了一個傳說
要把History 改寫成Herstory

在我的回憶錄中 快樂要蔓延很久
那就今天開始建造我王國 我是女王一般的SHERO

看不到 找不到 等不到 妳的 HERO
為何不 作自己 隻手撐天的 SHERO

妳可以 我可以 為自己赴湯蹈火 不再退縮

不要了 不找了 不等了 誰要 HERO
站出來 作自己 隻手撐天的 SHERO

妳可以 我可以 為自己赴湯蹈火 的SHERO
像女王 揮舞著 驕傲披風

Pinyin Lyrics

pei zi ji kan yan huo pei zhao zi ji qu dou feng
xiang ruan ruo shuo fen shou zi ji lu xing zi ji meng

he yi guan bing pi jiu guan gai jiu wei de jiu wo
rang xiao rong hui dao shuang jia de fen hong

na shi shui shuo nu hai mei you ROCK'N ROLL
wo dui wo shuo dang zui hou zhi sheng xia wo shui shi wo ying xiong?

kan bu dao zhao bu dao deng bu dao ni de HERO
wei he bu zuo zi ji zhi shou cheng tian de SHERO

ni ke yi wo ke yi wei zi ji fu tang dao huo de SHERO
xiang nu wang hui wu zhao jiao ao pi feng

xian zhuan shen xian zi you xian shuo zai jian xian jie tuo
shi jie zai ta bei hou yuan lai zhe me de liao kuo

ye jian qiang ye wen rou ye you jin wo de quan tou
qu qiao zou quan xin sheng huo de jie zou

na shi shui shuo nu hai mei you ROCK'N ROLL
wo dui wo shuo dang zui hou zhi sheng xia wo shui shi wo ying xiong?

kan bu dao zhao bu dao deng bu dao ni de HERO
wei he bu zuo zi ji zhi shou cheng tian de SHERO

ni ke yi wo ke yi wei zi ji fu tang dao huo de SHERO
xiang nu wang hui wu zhao jiao ao pi feng

zai wo de bian nian shi zhong xie xia le yi ge chuan shuo
yao ba History gai xie cheng Herstory

zai wo de hui yi lu zhong kuai le yao man yan hen jiu
na jiu jin tian kai shi jian zao wo wang guo wo shi nu wang yi ban de SHERO

kan bu dao zhao bu dao deng bu dao ni de HERO
wei he bu zuo zi ji zhi shou cheng tian de SHERO

ni ke yi wo ke yi wei zi ji fu tang dao huo bu zai tui suo

bu yao le bu zhao le bu deng le shui yao HERO
zhan chu lai zuo zi ji zhi shou cheng tian de SHERO

ni ke yi wo ke yi wei zi ji fu tang dao huo de SHERO
xiang nu wang hui wu zhao jiao ao pi feng

English Translation Lyrics

Watch the fireworks with yourself, Go for a drive along with yourself
Face your weakness break up with it, Travel by yourself, Dream by yourself
Drink a can of icy cold beer; irrigate your long awaited dimples
Let smiles return to the pinks on your lips

Who said that girls don't have ROCK 'N ROLL
I tell myself when I am the only one left, who will be my hero?
Cannot see, cannot find, cannot find your HERO
Why don't you become your own sky supporting SHERO
You can be, I can be, the one who will pass through hell and high waters for oneself SHERO
Like an empress brandishing her arrogant cloak
First turn around, first free yourself, first say goodbye, first breakway
The world is behind his back so it was actually that vast
Use a strong and a gentle and a firm fist,
To knock out the beat to a brand new life

[Repeat Chorus]

In my chronicles, it has been written
To revise History into Herstory
In my memoir, happiness will extend a long time
Then let me start building my kingdom today, I am an empress an ordinary SHERO
Cannot see, cannot find, cannot find your HERO
Why don't you become your own sky supporting SHERO
You can be, I can be, the one who will pass through hell and high waters oneself, cower no more
Do not need, do not search, do not wait, who needs a HERO
Come forward. become your own sky supporting SHERO
You can be, I can be, the one who will pass through hell and high waters for oneself SHERO
Like an empress brandishing her own cloak

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