BUMP OF CHICKEN Karma (カルマ) lyrics PV
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Thursday, January 16, 2014
BUMP OF CHICKEN Karma (カルマ) lyrics PV
Karma (カルマ)
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized
Single: Karma (カルマ)
Tales of the Abyss OP Opening theme song
Japanese / Kanji Lyrics 歌詞
ガラス玉ひとつ 落とされた 追いかけてもうひとつ落っこちた
ひとつ分の陽だまりに ひとつだけ残ってる
心臓が始まった時 嫌でも人は場所を取る
奪われない様に 守り続けてる
汚さずに保ってきた手でも 汚れて見えた
記憶を疑う前に 記憶に疑われてる
必ず僕らは出会うだろう 同じ鼓動の音を目印にして
ここに居るよ いつだって呼んでるから
くたびれた理由が 重なって揺れる時
存在が続く限り 仕方無いから場所を取る
ひとつ分の陽だまりに ふたつはちょっと入れない
ガラス玉ひとつ 落とされた 落ちた時 何か弾き出した
奪い取った場所で 光を浴びた
数えた足跡など 気付けば数字でしか無い
知らなきゃいけない事は どうやら1と0の間
初めて僕らは出会うだろう 同じ悲鳴の旗を目印にして
忘れないで いつだって呼んでるから
鏡なんだ 僕ら互いに
それぞれのカルマを 映す為の
汚れた手と手で 触り合って
ここに居るよ 確かに触れるよ
一人分の陽だまりに 僕らは居る
忘れないで いつだって呼んでるから 同じガラス玉の内側の方から
そうさ 必ず僕らは出会うだろう 沈めた理由に十字架を建てる時
Romaji Lyrics
Garasudama hitotsu otosareta oikakete mou hitotsu okkochita
Hitotsu bun no hidamari ni hitotsu dake nokotteru
Shinzou ga hajimatta toki iya demo hito ha basho wo toru
Ubawarenai you ni mamoritsuzuketeru
Yogosazu ni tamottekita te demo yogorete mieta
Kioku wo utagau mae ni kioku ni utagawareteru
Kanarazu bokura wa deau darou
Onaji kodou no oto wo mejirushi ni shite
Koko ni iru yo itsu datte yonderu kara
Kutabireta riyuu ga kasanatte yureru toki
Umareta imi wo shiru
Sonzai ga tsuzuku kagiri shikata nai kara basho wo toru
Hitotsu bun no hidamari ni futatsu wa chotto hairenai
Garasudama hitotsu otosareta ochita toki nanika hajikidashita
Ubaitotta basho de hikari wo abita
Kazoeta ashiato nado kizukeba suuji de shika nai
Shiranakya ikenai koto wa dou yara ichi to zero no aida
Hajimete bokura wa deau darou
Onaji himei no hata wo mejirushi ni shite
Wasurenai de itsudatte yonderu kara
Kasaneta riyuu wo futari de umeru toki
Yakusoku ga kawasareru
Kagami nanda bokura tagai ni
Sorezore no karuma wo utsusu tame no
Yogoreta te to te de sawariatte
Katachi ga wakaru
Koko ni iru yo tashika ni sawareru yo
Hitori bun no hidamari ni bokura wa iru
Wasurenai de itsudatte yonderu kara
Onaji garasudama no uchigawa no hou kara
Sou sa kanarazu bokura wa deau darou
Shizumeta riyuu ni jyuujika wo tateru toki
Yakusoku wa hatasareru
Bokura wa hitotsu ni naru
English Translation Lyrics
A single glass marble fell, followed by another
In a patch of sunshine made for one, only one remains
When a person's heart starts beating,
they assume a place, even if they don't want to
and they stay to protect that place, so no one takes it away
Even hands that you've kept clean will appear dirty
before you have a chance to doubt your memory
your memory will doubt you
I'm certain we'll meet one another,
our hearts which beat the same and will mark the way
'cause I'm right here, always calling out to you
When all the old reasons start to lose their ground
I'll know the meaning of my birth
As long as you exist, you have no choice but to assume a place,
two can't really fit into a patch of sunshine made for one.
A single glass marble fell, and when it fell something was shot out
in the place I took over, I basked in the sun
I counted the footprints I left,
and found they were nothing more than numbers
What I really needed to know may be between 1 and 0.
We'll meet for the first time
our same sad cries to lead us
Don't forget, 'cause I'll never stop calling out to you
When we bury the reasons together
it makes a promise between us
It's a mirror for each of us
to project our own karma
feeling each other with dirtied hands
we'll figure out the shape
I'm right here. You can feel me.
We're standing together in a patch of sunshine made for one.
Don't forget, cause I'll never stop calling out to you
from within a marble, identical to yours
that's right, I'm certain we'll meet each other
when we raise the cross for the reasons we buried.
We will finish the promise
And become one.

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