Sound Horizon Wasurena Tsukiyo (忘れな月夜) lyrics 歌詞
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Sound Horizon Wasurena Tsukiyo (忘れな月夜) lyrics 歌詞
Sound Horizon
Wasurena Tsukiyo (忘れな月夜)
Forget Not this Moonlit Night
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized
Album: 9th Story CD "Nein"
Buy Shimotsukin 10th Anniversary Best Premium Complete Box [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] / Haruka Shimotsuki
Japanese / Kanji Lyrics 歌詞
さて。箱の中の猫は、生きているのか? 死んでいるのか? 其れでは、檻の中を覗いてみよう―
宵闇の空に… 見上げた月が… 何処か懐かしく…
不意に何故か… ひとすじの《雫》
降り注ぎ… 浮かび上がる… 駆け抜けた《追憶》の《幻燈》
人差し指で… 掬い上げた… 矛盾を《否定する》ように呟いた…
私… 幸せだと…
凛と冷たい 静謐な朝の空気
差し込む光 独り切る十字
祈りを捧げる 充ち足りた幸せ
感じながらも ふと顧みる
貴族の《婚姻》は 《一夜の幻想》
世俗の《権力戦い》に 組み込まれて
狭い鳥籠で 《生涯》を終える……
その檻の中から 抜け出したのは 自分の意志などではなく
ただ… 《役に立てない欠陥品》のように 処分されただけ……
子を生せぬ女は 唯それだけで 罪だと言うのなら
そんな【第九の現実】に 未練などないわ 却って清々するわ
飾り立てた悪意を 背中で受け流す
花嫁修業の修道生活 模範的な貴族の子女にとって
私は最低の模範解答 忌避すべき最悪の未来
女の《出産敵齢期》は 短い《一瞬の季節》
刹那の《価値観》に 弄ばれ
狭い《然れど本質的な同調圧力》で 《生涯》を縛る……
その檻の中から 抜け出して 自分の意思で羽撃ける
お寝坊さん達が起きて来て また新しい朝が始まるわ
駆け寄って口接ける三つの 唇から紡がれる二つの
嗚呼… 親に疎まれ 託された可哀想な 天使達は
皆… 無邪気に笑うけれど――――――
一人は耳に 一人は目に そして
一人は喉に 重い障碍があった……
嗚呼… 優しさを生む 母は強さではなく 痛みなのだ
寧ろ 強さはその娘
信仰の薄い《腹掛け見習い修道女》に 捨て子と揶揄されても
於呼… 主よ… 愛とは何の為に…
母性とは誰の為に… あるのでしょうか?
於呼… 主よ… 生とは何の為に…
血縁とは誰の為に… あるのでしょうか?
後悔などしていないわ。 嗚呼… これが私の人生。
宵闇の空に… 見上げた月が… 何処か懐かしく…
不意に何処か… ひとすじの《雫》
Romaji Lyrics
yoiyami no sora ni... miageta tsuki ga... dokoka natsukashiku...
fui ni nazeka... hitosuji no ame
furisosogi... ukabiagaru... kakenuketa kago no hikari
hitosashiyubi de... sukuiageta... mujun wo kobamu you ni tsubuyaita...
watashi... shiawase dato...
What really was the moonlight for her?
The unknown lady who lived outside the pages of “Märchen.” She is the “Nein.”
rin to tsumetai, seihitsu na asa no kuuki
sashikomu hikari, hitori kiru juuji
inori wo sasageru, michitarita shiawase
kanji nagaramo, futo kaerimiru
kizoku no utage wa, hakanai yume
odoru aite mo erabenu mama
sezoku no yuugi ni kumikomarete
semai torikago de sei wo oeru
sono ori no naka kara nukedashita nowa, jibun no ishi nado dewa naku
tada... garakuta no you nishobun sareta dake...
hikoku toshite karidasareta houtei.
sore wa, nabakari no rikon saiban de.
saibanchou wo hajime baisekisha ni itaru made,
otto no iki ga kakatta monotachi bakari datta.
atotsugi wo motarasu koto no nai majo.
jamamono wo rien suru tame no chaban.
aru koto, nai koto, narabetate, otoshimerare,
kon'in no muko dato danzai sareta.
ko wo umasenu onna wa, tada sore dake de tsumi dato iu no nara
sonna sekai ni miren nado nai wa, kaette saisei suru wa
kochira kara negai sageta wa!
sokkou→gekkou→senteikou←gekkou ga miteta...
"yurusanu! yurusan zo, elisabeth! watashi no kao ni doro wo nuriotte!
itsumademo mamagoto wo hikisuru ikiokureru ga kyuu ni sunao ni totsuida to omottara, sono kekka wa kore da!
konna shuutai wo sarashite oite an'non to modoru ie ga aru to omou na? doko e nari to katte ni yuke!
omae wo horikaeshita hahaue to mizukara no unmei wo noroi nagara, nodare shinu ga ii!!"
"otoshi wo meshita kata no asa wa itsumo ohayai koto!!"
kazaritateta akui wo senaka de ukenagasu
hanayomejuugyou no shuudouseikatsu, mohanteki na kizoku no shijo ni totte
watashi wa saitei no mohan kaitou, kihisubeki saiaku no mirai
onna no kisetsu wa mijikai natsu
mabataku aima ni toorisugiru
setsuna no kijun ni moteasobare
semai torikago de sei wo shibaru
sono ori no naka kara nukedashite, jibun no ishi de habatakeru
sonna jidai ga itsu ga kuru no deshou ka?
onebousantachi ga okitekite, mata atarashii asa ga hajimaru wa
kakeyotte kuchitsukeru mitsu no kuchibiru kara tsumugareru futatsu no
"Ich liebe dich♪"
aa... oya ni utomare, takusareta kawaisou na tenshitachi wa
mina... mujaki ni warau keredo...
hitori wa mimi ni, hitori wa me ni soshite
hitori wa nodo ni, omoi shougai ga atta...
aa... yasashisa wo umu, haha wa tsuyosa dewa naku, itami nano da
mushiro tsuyosa wa sono musume
shinkou no usui musume ni sudeko to yayu saretemo
"heiki, elise mutti ga iru kara!"
oo... aruji yo... ai to wa nanno tame ni...
bosei to wa dare no tame ni... aru no deshou ka?
oo... aruji yo... sei to wa nanno tame ni...
ketsuen to wa dare no tame ni... aru no deshou ka?
"watashi ne, maria-samatte mutti mitai na hito dattara naatte omou no!"
"boku mo!!"
koukai nado shiteinai wa. aa... kore ga watashi no jinsei.
die Heilige demo,
die Hexe demo nai wa.
watashi wa elisabeth.
tada no elisabeth.
yoiyami no sora ni... miageta tsuki ga... dokoka natsukashiku...
fui ni nazeka... hitosuji no ame
English Translation Lyrics
From (The Seventh Archive), I have established a connection between (what could be called consciousness) and the seventh horizon…
[She] received a marriage proposal from a certain man in power. However, the woman would stubbornly refuse that proposal even though she knew that she was in no position to do that. A fated, dreamlike meeting that later generations would call (a fairytale). The woman would die, crucified on a cross, for staying true to her young, faint feelings towards her first love…
The (factor) that was predicted to change the outcome of this tragedy - I attempted a [denial] of [her] ad921d60486366258809553a3db49a4a.
Well then. Is the cat within the box alive, or is it dead? Let us take a peek inside the cage…
Forget Not this Moonlit Night
I look up to the moon in the sky at dusk…and feel a sense of nostalgia…
All of a sudden…a single (droplet)[raindrop] falls…
It trails down my cheek…and my mind is filled with the (phantom lights)[lights] of (remembrance)[the past]…
I gently wiped it away with my fingertip…and whispered to myself, to (deny) this contradiction…
I am…happy…
What really was the moonlight to her?
She unknown lady, who lived outside the pages of Marchen.
She is the Nein.
The cold, dignified air of a tranquil morning
All alone in the rays of the sun, I make the sign of the cross
I offer my prayers, indulging in this sense of fulfillment
And a moment of retrospection-
The (marriage)[banquet] of nobles are but a transient (fantasy of one night)[dream]
Left with no choice for our partner in dance
Used as a piece in a worldy (battle for power)[game]
I end my (life) in a small birdcage….
I did not gain release from that cage out of my own will
I was simply disposed of, like (a defective object that no longer serves its purpose)[trash]…
I was brought to court as the accused.
It was a divorce trial in name only.
Everyone, from the judge to the observers,
Were all people with connections to (Rhein-Pfarz)[my husband].
A witch who can’t leave behind an heir.
(“If you can’t bear a child, you must be a witch.”)
A farce to get rid of a nuisance.
They made a long list of accusations, a mix of facts and fabrications
And the final verdict was that the marriage was invalid.
(“I declare this marriage to be invalid!”)
If a woman is deemed sinful just because she can’t bear a child
Then I have no attachments to this Ninth Reality[world]; I’m even glad to be rid of it
I don’t want anything to do with it!
Immediately -) the prince-elector -) flies into rage (- and the moonlight watched him…
(“I’ll never forgive you, Elisabeth…never, I say!! How dare you shame me like this!?
And here I was wondering why a spinster like you decided to finally grow up and get married, and this is how it all ends!?
Do you really think you can just waltz back into the house after what you did!?
Just get the hell out and go wherever you want! Curse mother for digging you up and curse your own fate as you die outside!”
“Elderly people certainly get up early!!”
(The Abbot’s away for some errands,
So we decided amongst ourselves that we’ll skip the morning prayer & worship since we’re sleepy
But this shitty divorced old hag just had to be all serious about it and wake up early
Also, isn’t she rumored to be the abbot’s older sister or something?)
I turn my back and ignore the thinly veiled malice
To the average noble’s daughter who’s here as part of her training to become a bride
I am the worst example of what can occur, a future that must be avoided at all costs
A woman’s (prime time for childbearing)[season] is but a short (transient season)[summer]
It passes by in the blink of an eye
A plaything of short-lived (values)[standards]
My (life) is bound (by the fundamental opinion of the majority)[a small birdcage]…
Will there ever be (an era when women are free) to escape from that cage
And take flight by their own will?
(“Good morning!!!” “Shut up!”)
The sleepyheads finally get out of bed, and another morning begins anew
They run towards me and kiss me good morning, and I hear two voices from three pairs of lips
“I love you!”
(“I told you to shut up!”)
Ah…poor angels, avoided by their parents and left in our care…
(“Angels, who?”)
They all laugh innocently, but-
All of them have severe disabilities
One in the ears, one in the eyes, and the last in the throat-
(“Who cares…”)
Ah….the mother of gentleness is not strength, but suffering
And strength her daughter
(“They’re just abandoned kids..”)
Even if the (temporary nun-in-training)[girl] with little faith calls them abandoned kids
“We’ll be fine, because we have Elise-mutti!”
Oh…Lord…what purpose does love serve…
And for whom….does motherhood exist?
Oh…Lord…what purpose does life serve…
And for whom…do blood relations exist?
(“I think Saint Maria would be someone like mutti!”
“I think so too!”)
I don’t regret this at all, ah…for this is my life
Neither (a saint especially worthy of admiration)
Nor (a witch especially deserving of hatred)
I am (just a woman)[Elisabeth]
Just [someone who devotes herself to loving her neighbours who have suffered similar sadness in life][Elisabeth]
I look up to the moon in the sky at dusk…and feel a sense of nostalgia…
All of a sudden…a single (droplet)[raindrop] falls…
English translator:
Buy Shimotsukin 10th Anniversary Best Premium Complete Box [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] / Haruka Shimotsuki

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