Sound Horizon Sunawachi... Seikan Chou Tunnel (即ち...星間超トンネル) lyrics 歌詞
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Sound Horizon Sunawachi... Seikan Chou Tunnel (即ち...星間超トンネル) lyrics 歌詞
Sound Horizon
Sunawachi... Seikan Chou Tunnel (即ち...星間超トンネル) [Rock Band Style : Long ver.]
In other words…super tunnel between the stars
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized
Album: 9th Story CD "Nein"
Buy Shimotsukin 10th Anniversary Best Premium Complete Box [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] / Haruka Shimotsuki
Japanese / Kanji Lyrics 歌詞
バビロンの捕囚も... カノッサの屈辱も...
再征服(Reconquista)も... 大憲章(Magna Carta)も...
魔女裁判も... 異端審問も...
人種隔離政策(Apartheid)も... 世系格差(Caste)制度も...
石油危機(oil Shock)も... 金融危機(Lehman Shock)も...
黒死病(Pest)も... 後天性免疫不全症候群(AIDS)も... 流行性感冒(Influenza)も...
僕等は全てを... 歴史の全てを... 乗り越えて来たんだ……
腹が減れば時に凶暴になるけど... 大切な人を亡くせば涙する...
嗚呼... キミの星だって... きっと似たようなもんだろう?
ハンムラビ法典も... ナポレオン法典も...
西部開拓(Wild Frontier)も... 大量殺戮(Holocaust)も...
産業革命も... 情報(IT)革命も...
世界大戦も... 民族紛争も...
地震と津波... 噴火と竜巻...
飢餓と旱魃... 核による汚染...
僕等は全てを... 世界の全てを... 受け止めて来たんだ……
詰まらない事ですぐに諍いを起こすけど... 美しい花が枯れれば胸痛む...
嗚呼... キミの星だって... きっと似たようなもんだろう?
僕等の星の間にも... 悲しい争い(かこ)があった...
それでも過去は無駄じゃない... 決して……
願ったことが全て叶う世界じゃないけど... それでも希望を捨て切れずに今日も足掻く...
嗚呼... 未だ見ぬキミだって... きっと似たようなもんだろう?
Romaji Lyrics
coming soon...
English Translation Lyrics
In the year 2015, mankind flies away to the galaxy.
If we think, “Isn’t it too early?”
The civilization’s horizon is out of date.
Go! The super☆tunnel between the stars
Go! The super☆tunnel between the stars
The Babylonian captivity…the humiliation of Canossa…
Reconquista…Magna Carta…
Witch trials…inquisition….
Apartheid…caste system…
Oil shock…Lehman shock…
Black death…AIDS….influenza…
We’ve weathered them all…all of history…
An empty stomach is enough to enrage us…but we do shed tears when precious people pass away…
Ah…I’m sure the same goes for your planet, right?
We’ll go forth and convey to you the history we’ve lived through…
In other words…through the super☆tunnel between the stars!
Code of Hammurabi…code of Napoleon…
Wild frontier…the Holocaust…
Industrial revolution…I.T. revolution…
World wars…racial conflict…
Earthquakes and tsunami…eruptions and tornadoes….
Famine and drought…nuclear pollution…
We’ve faced them all…all of the world…
Trivial things are enough to spark an argument…but our hearts do go out for beautiful flowers when they wither…
Ah…I’m sure the same goes for your planet, right?
We’ll go forth and convey to you the feelings we’ve left behind…
In other words….through the super☆tunnel between the stars!
War, war, it’s war again!
Sad conflicts happened between our stars as well…
But that doesn’t mean the past is for nothing…not at all…
This is not a world where all your wishes come true…but even then, we struggle through today, unable to completely give up hope…
Ah….I’m sure the same goes for you, yet to be seen….
We’ll go forth and convey to you the future that we dreamt of…
In other words…through the super☆tunnel between the stars!
English translator:
Buy Shimotsukin 10th Anniversary Best Premium Complete Box [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] / Haruka Shimotsuki

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