Sound Horizon Na mo Naki Onna no Uta (名もなき女の詩) lyrics 歌詞
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Sound Horizon Na mo Naki Onna no Uta (名もなき女の詩) lyrics 歌詞
Sound Horizon
Na mo Naki Onna no Uta (名もなき女の詩)
Poem of the Nameless Woman
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized
Album: 9th Story CD "Nein"
Buy Shimotsukin 10th Anniversary Best Premium Complete Box [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] / Haruka Shimotsuki
Japanese / Kanji Lyrics 歌詞
What does a poem really mean to her?
The unknown lady who remained unrecognised in the chronicle.
She is the Nein.
通り過ぎた遥かな灯が 落とした影に花は移ろい
乾いた風が 撫でた女の肌に 深い皺を刻む
鳴呼… 朱い空を征く 白い旅鳥よ
鳴呼… 連れて行っておくれ 置いていかないで
遠ざかる《風景》(光)に 手を伸ばした 【第九の真実】(闇)に
逃げ込んだ 儚い《幻想》(夢) 舞い散る花びらの中
笑う貴方 と 私 と 二人の……
然れど… 然れど… 唯… 一輪… (続きがあるのか.... )
この世の… 常ならざる... 薔薇が在る!(んふふふ… そうきたか!)
\ 其れぞ、我らが女王陛下!!! /
The man put his heart into self defense, and had a long life.
But, his artistic soul died.
What would people from coming ages evaluate?
What was the thing he really wanted to defend?
このままじゃ… 危なかった… だろうってさ… だが…」
「Très bon!」
不思議と前向きに… 生まれ変わったような気持ちで…
暫し… パン屋さんのお仕事を… 手伝うことにしたのであった…
鶏 < 太陽 < 早起きで生地を
捏ねる → 捏ねる → 捏ねる → 寝るZzz… (ルーナ!)
麦の種類 → 粉の挽き方 → 水に至るまで
拘る → 拘る → 拘る → 割る∑ (ちりとり!)
風土の関係で 我が国の小麦は
他国の様には ふっくら膨らまないけど
外はパッリパリ 中はモッチモチ
工夫次第じゃ まだまだ美味くなる!?
長くてもX 短くてもX 石窯と睨めっこ
様子見 → 様子見 → 様子見 → 炭(Oh no!)
口は悪いが 腕は悪くない
顔も悪いが それは 「放っとけよ!」
場所は帝都パリ 美味さは論の勿
Boulangerie・de Besson
逢う方なき影 追う日々の 光を見失い
傷を負う程に 老う事に 疲れたのかも 知れなかった…
倒れる以前の… 私ならきっと…
這ってでも旅を… 続けたのでしょうね…
薄情な女ね けれど……
人並みの《幸福》(幸せ)を 願ってはいけませんか?
《苦難》を乗り越え 咲くのが《花の命》だもの
And then, as in the coming ages, the memory of the "Luna".
Romaji Lyrics
What does a poem really mean to her?
The unknown lady who remained unrecognised in the chronicle.
She is the Nein.
toorisugita haruka na hi ga otoshita kage ni hana wa utsuroi
kawaita kaze ga nadeta onna no hada ni fukai shiwa wo kizamu
aa... akai sora wo yuku, shiroi tabidori yo
omae wa tadoritsuku beki basho wo shitteiru no kai?
aa... tsureteitte okure, oite ikanaide
koe ni dekinai koe
toozagaru hikari ni, te wo nobashita yami ni
tashika na mono nado nani hitotsu naku
nigekonda hakanai yume, maichiru hanabira no naka
warau anata to watashi to futari no...
"aa, shijin baraddo yo
koyoi sono hou no ekken wo yurusu wa hoka demo nai.
heika no sokui juunen wo shukushi, iwai no uta wo sasageru ga yoi"
tsuioku ni yureru karen naru sono hana ni
sakihokoru bara wa towa ni todokanai
"baraddo sono hou burei de aru zo!!"
saredo... saredo... tada... ichirin... (tsuzuki aru no ka...)
kono yo no... tsune narazaru... bara ga aru! (nfufufu... sou kita ka!)
fuyugare no sekai wo (sekai wo) tokoharu ga godoku ni (godoku ni),
terashi tamau mi wa dare zo? (oou!)
"sore zo, warera ga joou heika!!!"
The man put his heart into self-defense, and had a long life.
But, his artistic soul died.
What would people from coming ages evaluate?
What was the thing he really wanted to defend?
"waa, kona hikiya no danna ni kiitansu kedo,
uchi no oyakata ga motena sugite,
tochi kurutte tsui ni onna ga doukashite kitatte majissuka?
... tte, yabbe. maji da!?"
"kono yarou!"
aa, ki ga tsuita kai? anta, kono suishagoya no chikaku no mori de
taoreteita tokoro wo yo. koko ni hakobikonda no sa
"desu yo nee~"
yabu isha no yatsu no hanashi dewa...
karou to eiyoubuzoku daroutte sa...
kono mama ja... abunakatta... daroutte sa... daga...
kare wa waratte nanika toridashita/ore wa waratte are wo toridashita
anta, hontou ni tsuiteta naa. saa, enryo iranee. dondon kue yo.
pan nara uru hodo arun da!tte
"maa, pan'yassu kara nee!"
"ii tabepuri da naa, neesan!"
"Très bon!"
"sonna ikisasu de, ichimei wo toritometa watashi datta ga...
aru shinkyou no henka ni tomadoi... gakuzen toshita ato...
fushigi to maemuki ni... umarekawatta you na kimochi de...
shibashi... pan'yasan no oshigoto wo... tetsudau koto ni shita no de atta..."
pan'ya no asa wa maji de yabai ze!
niwatori yori taiyou yori hayaoki de kiji wo
koneru, koneru, koneru, neru... (Luna!)
uchi no pan wa kiji ga umai ze!
muki no shurui, kona no hikikata, mizu ni itaru made
kodawaru, kodawaru, kodawaru, waru! (chiritori!)
fudou no kankei de wagakuni no komuki wa
takoku no you ni wa fukkura fukuramanai kedo
soto wa parripari, naka wa mocchimochi
kufuu shidai ja, madamada umaku naru!?
uchi no pan de minna no hara wo panpan ni shite yaru ze!!!
yakiage toki no shiji wa muzui ze!
nagakutemo, mijikakutemo, ishigama to niramekko
yousumi, yousumi, yousumi, sumi (Oh no!)
kuchi wa warui ga, ude wa waruku nai
kao mo warui ga, sore wa "hottoke yo!"
basho wa teitopari, umasa wa ron no mana
Boulangeric de Besson
kanban wa dame shiroshi
uchi no pan de omae no hara mo panpan ni shite yaru ze!!!
au hou naki kage ou hibi no hikari wo miushinai
kizu wo ou hodo ni, rou koto ni, tsukareta no kamo shirenakatta...
taoreru izen no... watashi nara kitto...
hatte demo tabi wo... tsuzuketa no deshou ne...
kuchizusamu demo areba chigatta no?
hakujou na onna ne keredo...
hitonami no shiawase wo negatte wa ikemasen ka?
fuyu wo norikoe, saku no ga onna da mono
moshi sore ga karimono no jinsei dato shite mo
haru no hikari wo abite chiritai...
And then, as in the coming ages, the memory of the "Luna".
"pan! wa iran ka nee?
pan wa iran ka nee?
Madame no hada no you ni... ja nakute, soto wa paripari de naka wa mochimochi da yo!"
"aara, sore jaa hitotsu itadakou kashira?"
"maido arii~☆"
"oo! hara ga hetta no ka?
panpan ni shite yarou ka??"
"mou, pan wa mada hayai wa yoo.."
"hayai ka? haha"
"medetashi, medetashi..."
English Translation Lyrics
From (The First Archive), I have established a connection between (what could be called consciousness) and the first horizon…
This archive has already admitted certain changes. [He] and [she] were in a romantic relationship. They would eventually be torn apart by a (historical) battle. Due to his feelings for his lover, whom he believed to be dead, he brought the wrath of the ruler at the time upon himself and was promptly executed. The woman did not doubt that the man was alive and continued her search for him; the journey eventually taking a toll on her and robbing her of her sight…
The (factors) that were predicted to change the outcome of this tragedy - I attempted a [denial] of [his] ad921d60486366258809553a3db49a4a and [her] ad921d60486366258809553a3db49a4a.
Well then. Is the cat within the box alive, or is it dead? Let us take a peek inside the cage…
What does a poem really mean to her?
The unknown lady unrecognized in the chronicle.
She is the Nein.
Poem of the Nameless Woman
The distant lights passing by cast shadows upon fading flowers
Engraving countless wrinkles upon the woman’s skin, gently caressed by the dry winds
Oh…the white bird in flight among the crimson skies
Do you know [the destination you must strive for]?
Oh…please take me along; don’t leave me behind
These voiceless words I swallow
There is nothing I can be sure of
In the fading (scenes)[light], or the Ninth Reality[darkness] that I reach out to
I took refuge in a transient (illusion)[dream]; surrounded by scattering petals
You were smiling with me, and our…
(“Come forth, Ballad the poet. You were granted an audience so you can compose a poem in celebration of the tenth anniversary since Her Majesty’s coronation.”)
A (withered flower) wavering in reminiscence
Is one that can never be matched by a rose in full bloom…
(“What imprudence!”)
However…there is but one…
(“But wait…it goes on!”)
One rose that is not of this world!
(“I that’s what you mean!”)
Whose beauty shines upon this winter of decay,
Illuminating the world in eternal spring?
(“The world!” “Eternal spring!”)
\None other than our majesty, the queen!/
The man put his heart into self-defense and had a long life, but his artistic soul died.
What would people from coming ages evaluate? What was the fame he really wanted to defend.
“Woah, so I heard this from the guy at the flour mill,
But apparently our boss just has no luck with the ladies at all.
And that drove him nuts until he snapped and kidnapped some girl, is that true?”
“…crap, it IS true!?”
“Oh, you’re awake!”
I found you passed out in the forest near the water mill, so I carried you all the way here.
“Who would’ve thought~!”
“According to that quack doctor, it’s a combination of exhaustion and malnutrition…
And your life would’ve been at risk if left be, but…”
(My savior)[He] laughed and took something out /I laughed and took that out
“Guess what, you’re in luck! Come now, no need to be polite! Just eat up! We’ve got enough bread to sell!” he said
“I mean, it is a bakery!”
“Haha! You sure look like you’re enjoying it, girl!”
“Trés bon!”
-And that’s how I was given a new lease on life…
Though I initially experienced confusion and surprise at my change of heart…
I felt optimistic for some reason…almost as if I was born anew..
I decided to help out at the bakery for a while….
Morning at a bakery is nothing to scoff at!
I need to get up earlier than the roosters; earlier than the sun
To knead dough -) to knead dough -) to knead dough -) to sleep…zzz
Our bread is made from quality dough!
The types of grain we use -) the way we mix the flour -) and even the water
Our attention to detail is what makes it great -) what makes it great -) what makes it great -) …or break!
(”Kyah!” “Newcomer!”)
Because of the climate, the flour made in our country
Doesn’t puff up as much as it does in other countries
But it has a crispy surface and soft insides
Enough to become delicious with the right preparations!
We’ll fill everyone’s stomachs with our finest bread!
It’s hard to tell when the bread’s been properly baked!
You can’t wait too much, or too little; a staring match with the oven!
Keep looking -) keep looking -) keep looking -) …and it’s charred!
He’s got a bad mouth, but his skills speak for him
He looks kinda scary too, but… “Just leave me be!”
Located in the capital Paris, deliciousness is all but guaranteed!
Watch out for a sign with our boss’s “outie” belly button!
We’ll fill your stomach with our finest bread as well!
There were days when I chased after a shadow I could never meet, but I soon lost sight of them
Perhaps I am simply weary of growing older in my wounds…
If I hadn’t collapsed…
I would’ve continued my journey, even if I had to crawl on all fours…
Would it have been different if I had (something to encourage me when I lose heart)[a song to hum]?
What a cold-hearted woman I am, but…
Is it so wrong to wish for day to day (happiness)?
(Flowers)[Women] are meant to blossom after weathering (hardship)[the winter]
And even if this (story)[life] is not my own
I want to scatter in midst of the (smiles of the ones that love me, right by my side)[first rays of spring]…
Nobody who lives in the coming ages will know the name of the woman.
(“Bread! How about some bread! Madam, it’s just like your skin, crispy on the outs- I mean, very soft and tender!”
“Oh my~ I suppose I’ll have one, then.”
“Thank you for your patronage!”
“Hungry? Gotta fill up your stomach!”
“Geez, it’s too early for bread.”
“Oh you.”)
(”All’s well ends well.”)
English translator:
Buy Shimotsukin 10th Anniversary Best Premium Complete Box [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] / Haruka Shimotsuki

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