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Monday, August 20, 2012

Rainie Yang - Zuo Bian lyrics

Rainie Yang (楊丞琳; Yang Cheng Lin)
Zuo Bian (左邊)
On The Left
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized

Album: 遇上愛 (Yu Shang Ai; Meeting Love)

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

總是 忍不住寂寞掉下 眼淚
你才會給安慰 擔心 短暫的晴天
隨時 都可能 被陰霾收回

等待 有機會最壞也最 甜美
我樂觀卻疲憊 因為 太怕失去你
所以連快樂裡 都裝滿傷悲

*你 不曾發覺 你總是用右手
牽著我 但是心卻跳動 在左邊
你和我之間 的遙遠
永遠隔著親切 愛少的可憐

伸出 右手 想陪著你 向前走
感受 你愛我的心跳在左邊
那麼深深 愛你的我
相信你會了解 (你一定 看的見)*

總在 埋怨過你的冷漠 之後
又急著說抱歉 彷彿 向疏遠的你
乞求 一點體貼 都是我不對

結果 有可能最美也最 可悲
我做好了準備 也許 太自由的你
心裡面那個家 誰也不能回


我一直相信 總有一天
你會用左手 牽著我走向明天
未來很遙遠 卻會實現
心在同一邊 就能夠 聽見
你說的 那句 我愛你


Hanyu Pinyin Lyrics

zong shi ren bu zhu ji mo diao xia yan lei
ni cai hui gei an wei
dan xin duan zan de qing tian
sui shi dou ke neng
bei yin mai shou hui

deng dai you ji hui zui huai ye zui tian mei
wo le guan que pi bei
yin wei tai pa shi qu ni
suo yi lian kuai le li
dou zhuang man shang bei

ni bu ceng fa jue
ni zong shi yong you shou qian zhe wo
dan shi xin que tiao dong zai zuo bian
ni he wo zhi jian de yao yuan
yong yuan ge zhe qin qie
ai shao de ke lian

shen chu you shou
xiang pei zhe ni xiang qian zou
gan shou ni ai wo de xin tiao zai zuo bian
na me shen shen ai ni de wo
xiang xin ni hui liao jie

zong zai mai yuan guo ni de leng mo zhi hou
you ji zhe shuo bao qian
fang fu xiang shu yuan de ni
qi qiu yi dian ti tie
dou shi wo bu dui

jie guo you ke neng zui mei ye zui ke bei
wo zuo hao le zhun bei
ye xu tai zi you de ni
xin li mian na ge jia
shui ye bu neng hui

ni bu ceng fa jue
ni zong shi yong you shou qian zhe wo
dan shi xin que tiao dong zai zuo bian
ni he wo zhi jian de yao yuan
yong yuan ge zhe qin qie
ai shao de ke lian

shen chu you shou
xiang pei zhe ni xiang qian zou
gan shou ni ai wo de xin tiao zai zuo bian
na me shen shen ai ni de wo
xiang xin ni hui liao jie

wo yi zhi xiang xin zong you yi tian
ni hui yong zuo shou
qian zhe wo zou xiang ming tian
wei lai hen yao yuan que hui shi xian
xin zai tong yi bian jiu neng gou ting jian
ni shuo de na ju wo ai ni

ni bu ceng fa jue
ni zong shi yong you shou qian zhe wo
dan shi xin que tiao dong zai zuo bian
ni he wo zhi jian de yao yuan
yong yuan ge zhe qin qie
ai shao de ke lian

shen chu you shou
xiang pei zhe ni xiang qian zou
gan shou ni ai wo de xin tiao zai zuo bian
na me shen shen ai ni de wo
ni yi ding kan de jian

English Translation Lyrics

I cry because I am unable to endure the loneliness
that's the only time you comfort me
I'm worried that a short bout of clear weather
can be claimed by dark clouds at any time
I wait for a chance to be at my worst and my best,
I'm hopeful yet exhausted
because I'm too scared of losing you,
even in my happiness I am full of sorrow

You hadn't realized, you always use your right hand to hold my hand,
but your heart beats on your left
The distance between us always cuts us off from intimacy,
the pity of inadequate love
I extend my right hand, wanting to walk ahead with you,
feeling the heart that loves me beating on your left side
I, who deeply loves you,
believe you will understand (You can definitely see it)

After regretting your indifference,
I always hurriedly apologize
You neglect me and then beg for sympathy,
making it seem as if I'm the one at fault
The conclusion may be the most beautiful or the most sorrowful,
I've prepared myself
You are too free,
maybe no one can re-enter your heart

I've always believed that one day
You will put your left hand in my hand and we will advance towards tomorrow
The future is far, but it will come true
If your heart is at the same side
then I will be able to hear you say "I love you"

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