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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rainie Yang - Leng Zhan lyrics

Rainie Yang (楊丞琳; Yang Cheng Lin)
Leng Zhan (冷戰)
Cold War
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized

Rainie Yang Leng Zhan lyrics
Rainie Yang - Leng Zhan lyrics

Album: 半熟宣言 (Ban Shu Xuan Yan; Not Yet a Woman)

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

你把我當成是告 再不跟我吵 是不是一種預告
這種毒看不到 不再重要 我不會再跟你鬧

無言是一種毒藥 更像一把刀 切開我們的擁抱
到底愛剩多少 需要思考 承諾隨愛蒸發掉

不想再當配角 安靜讓我懂要我想逃跑
我聽到你冷戰的心跳 兩敗俱傷的記號 閃躲不了
我知道莫名奇妙 求饒也不會是解藥 不如今全走掉

面對冷的空氣 冷的牆壁 冷到關閉 冷到我真的快窒息
冷戰到何時能平息 放我離去

無言是一種毒藥 更像一把刀 切開我們的擁抱
到底愛剩多少 需要思考 承諾隨愛蒸發掉

不想再當配角 安靜讓我懂要我想逃跑
我聽到你冷戰的心跳 兩敗俱傷的記號 閃躲不了
我知道莫名奇妙 求饒也不會是解藥 不如今全走掉

面對冷的空氣 冷的牆壁 冷到關閉 冷到我真的快窒息
冷戰到何時能平息 放我離去

我聽到你冷戰的心跳 兩敗俱傷的記號 閃躲不了
我知道莫名奇妙 求饒也不會是解藥 不如今全走掉
面對冷的空氣 冷的牆壁 冷到關閉 冷到我真的快窒息
就讓回憶停止呼吸 沉迷

我聽到你冷戰的心跳 兩敗俱傷的記號 閃躲不了
我知道莫名奇妙 求饒也不會是解藥 不如今全走掉
面對冷的空氣 冷的牆壁 冷到關閉 冷到我真的快窒息
冷戰到何時能平息 放我離去

Hanyu Pinyin Lyrics

ni ba wo dang cheng shi gao zai bu gen wo chao shi bu shi yi zhong yu gao
jia zhuang dou kan bu dao bu zai zhong yao wo bu hui zai gen ni nao

wu yan shi yi zhong du yao
geng xiang yi ba dao
qie kai
wo men de yong bao
dao di ai sheng duo shao
xu yao si kao
cheng nuo sui ai
zheng fa diao
bu xiang zai dang pei jiao
an jing rang wo dong yao
wo xiang tao pao /

wo ting dao
ni leng zhan de xin tiao
liang bai ju shang de ji hao
shan duo bu liao
wo zhi dao
mo ming qi miao
qiu rao ye bu hui shi jie yao
bu ru jiu qi quan zou diao /

mian dui leng de kong qi
leng de qiang bi
leng dao hun mi
leng dao wo zhen de kuai zhi xi
leng zhan dao he shi neng ping xi
fang wo li qu ///

wu yan shi yi zhong du yao
geng xiang yi ba dao
qie kai
wo men de yong bao
dao di ai sheng duo shao
xu yao si kao
cheng nuo sui ai
zheng fa diao
bu xiang zai dang pei jiao
an jing rang wo dong yao
wo xiang tao pao /

wo ting dao
ni leng zhan de xin tiao
liang bai ju shang de ji hao
shan duo bu liao
wo zhi dao
mo ming qi miao
qiu rao ye bu hui shi jie yao
bu ru jiu qi quan zou diao /

mian dui leng de kong qi
leng de qiang bi
leng dao hun mi
leng dao wo zhen de kuai zhi xi
leng zhan dao he shi neng ping xi
fang wo li qu ///

wo ting dao
ni leng zhan de xin tiao
liang bai ju shang de ji hao
shan duo bu liao
wo zhi dao
mo ming qi miao
qiu rao ye bu hui shi jie yao
bu ru jiu qi quan zou diao /

mian dui leng de kong qi
leng de qiang bi
leng dao hun mi
leng dao wo zhen de kuai zhi xi
jiu rang hui yi ting zhi hu xi
chen mi

wo ting dao
ni leng zhan de xin tiao
liang bai ju shang de ji hao
shan duo bu liao
wo zhi dao
mo ming qi miao
qiu rao ye bu hui shi jie yao
bu ru jiu qi quan zou diao /

mian dui leng de kong qi
leng de qiang bi
leng dao hun mi
leng dao wo zhen de kuai zhi xi
leng zhan dao he shi neng ping xi
fang wo li qu

English Translation Lyrics

You treat me as a cast, never
quarrel with me again, is this
a kind of advanced notice.

This poison is invisible, it
is no longer important, I will
no longer vent with you

Silence is a kind of poison,
more similare to a knife,
cutting apart our hug

When it all comes to the end
how much love is left, need to
ponder it over, promise
following love evaporates

Don't want to continue being a
supporting role, the quietness
let's me understand I want to
run away

I heard your shivered
heartbeat, the notion of
neither side winning, unable
to dodge

I know it's odd, demanding
forgiveness won't even be an
antidote, it would be better
to leave the present

Face the cold atmosphere, the
cold wall, cold until shut,
cold to the point I really
want to suffocate

When can this cold war settle,
let me be free.

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