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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A-Mei - Fa Shao lyrics

A-Mei (张惠妹 Zhang Hui Mei)
Fa Shao (發燒; Fever)
Lyrics Romanized & English Translation

A-Mei - Fa Shao cover

Album: Fa Shao (發燒; Fever)

作詞:巖雲農/徐世珍 作曲:陳科妤 編曲:Martin Tang
Lyrics: Yan Yun Nong / Xu Shizhen Composer: Chen Keyu Arranger: Martin Tang

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

OS:很多時候 我們必須去做我我們不想做的事 很煩
  我常常恨不得能假裝昏倒 你也一樣嗎?

到底該坐著還是站著 時間快了還是慢了 額頭好像有一點發熱
已經喝了開水喝了可樂 怎麼還是覺得有一點渴 心裡有輛火車
又噴了一點香水 又描了一次眉毛 誰把莫名其妙的人都趕跑
搞不好冷氣早就壞了 空氣很糟 到底要不要 趁著最後一秒跑掉 噢

是誰在叫我誰在問我 誰在看我誰在等我 不小心把指甲咬斷了
或許笑一個吧抱一個吧 不管什麼人 要是昏倒誰幫我叫消防車
其實鏡子裡面的我好像沒有那麼糟 我臉上有一個還不錯的微笑
時間要到了我聽到了大家在叫 用力深呼吸 接下來終於該我出場

我開始發燒 燒到連空氣都在跳腳
音樂在發飆 飆到拉起警報
跟著我發燒 燒到讓冰山全倒
全世界都瘋掉 從北極一直燒到赤道

OS:遊戲開始了 每一個人 都要準備當主角
  要上了就什麼都別想 用力把電源按下去就對了
  把那個台上的人 當作是別人 就好囉

子彈一上膛我一上場 我就變成另外一個分身
聽不見 我腦袋裡面的疑問 只聽見熱烈掌聲

Pinyin Lyrics

OS: Hěnduō shíhou wǒmen bìxū qù zuò wǒ wǒmen bùxiǎng zuò de shì hěn fán 
Wǒ chángcháng hènbude néng jiǎzhuāng hūndǎo nǐ yě yīyàng ma? 
Dàodǐ gāi zuòzhe háishì zhànzhe shíjiān kuàile háishì mànle étóu hǎoxiàng yǒu yīdiǎn fārè 
Yǐjīng hēle kāishuǐ hēle kělè zěnme háishì juéde yǒu yīdiǎn kě xīnlǐ yǒu liàng huǒchē 
Yòu pēnle yīdiǎn xiāngshuǐ yòu miáole yīcì méimáo shuí bǎ mòmíngqímiào de rén dōu gǎn pǎo 
Gǎo bù hǎo lěngqì zǎo jiù huàile kōngqì hěn zāo dàodǐ yào bùyào chènzhe zuìhòu yī miǎo pǎo diào ō 
Shì shuí zài jiào wǒ shuí zài wèn wǒ shuí zài kàn wǒ shuí zài děng wǒ bù xiǎoxīn bǎ zhǐjiǎ yǎo duànle Huòxǔ xiào yīgè ba bào yīgè ba bùguǎn shénme rén yàoshi hūndǎo shuí bāng wǒ jiào xiāofáng chē 
Qíshí jìngzi lǐmiàn de wǒ hǎoxiàng méiyǒu nàme zāo wǒ liǎn shàng yǒu yīgè hái bùcuò de wéixiào Shíjiān yào dàole wǒ tīngdàole dàjiā zài jiào yònglì shēnhūxī jiē xiàlái zhōngyú gāi wǒ chūchǎng 
Wǒ kāishǐ fāshāo shāo dào lián kōngqì dōu zài tiàojiǎo 
Yīnyuè zài fābiāo biāo dào lā qǐ jǐngbào 
Gēnzhe wǒ fāshāo shāo dào ràng bīngshān quán dào 
Quán shìjiè dōu fēng diào cóng běijí yīzhí shāo dào chìdào 
OS: Yóuxì kāishǐle měi yīgèrén dōu yào zhǔnbèi dāng zhǔjiǎo 
Yào shàngle jiù shénme dōu bié xiǎng yònglì bǎ diànyuán àn xiàqù jiù duìle 
Bǎ nàgè tái shàng de rén dàng zuò shì biérén jiù hǎo luō 
Zǐdàn yì shàngtáng wǒ yī shàngchǎng wǒ jiù biànchéng lìngwài yīgè fēnshēn 
Tīng bùjiàn wǒ nǎodai lǐmiàn de yíwèn zhǐ tīngjiàn rèliè zhǎngshēng

English Translation Lyrics

OS: In many cases we have to do the things I do not want to do bored
I often wish I could pretend to faint you, too?

The end the sitting is still faster standing time or slow a forehead seems to there are one o'clock fever
've Had open water to drink Coke or how to feel a little thirsty heart trains
But also spray a little of of perfume but also depiction the a once of eyebrows Who put the inexplicable of of the people Du sent packing
They might air conditioners already bad air bad in the end not to take advantage of the last second to run away Oh

Who is calling me who asked me who look at me who I accidentally snapped the nails
Perhaps a smile to hold a no matter what the man who fainted who I called the fire engines
In fact, the inside of the mirror does not seem so bad my face is a pretty good smile
Time I hear everyone is forced to take a deep breath I played the next and finally the

I developed a fever to burn even the air in the hopping
Music freak whirlwind to pull the alarm
Follow me fever to burn the iceberg and emptied
The whole world is mad to burn the equator from the North Pole has been

OS: the game starts everyone must be prepared to play the main role
To on anything not even think about hard power press opinions on
That stage as others like La

Bullets, a loaded I play I will become a spare
Questions can not hear inside my head only to hear the enthusiastic applause

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