
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 非賣品 Fei Mai Ping lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilin
Priceless (非賣品; Fei Mai Ping)


Album: Agent J (特務J)

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 非賣品 Fei Mai Ping lyrics

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

朋友說的 我微笑聽著
現在變不重要了 結局揭曉了
後來當朋友 你我也只是說說

那些愛與不愛 還在整理著
我明白的 只是誰來導演呢*

眼淚是我的 快樂都假的
我想找個答案 如果愛 被出賣
太好強 又太傻 受了傷當贈品留下@

#包裝的堅強 笑得那麼自然
愛沒有答案 再倔強 再不放
說不恨 是騙人 我不再隱瞞愛的傷痕
不捨轉過身 不必回頭的承認

那些愛與不愛 還在整理著
我明白的 只是誰來導演呢*

眼淚是我的 快樂都假的
我想找個答案 如果愛 被出賣
太好強 又太傻 受了傷當贈品留下@

#包裝的堅強 笑得那麼自然
愛沒有答案 再倔強 再不放
說不恨 是騙人 我不再隱瞞愛的傷痕
不捨轉過身 不必回頭的承認

Pinyin Lyrics

dang shi zen ma ai shang ni de
peng you shuo de
wo wei xiao ting zhe
ai qing de ju ben yuan lai jiu mei gui ze
xian zai bian bu chong yao le
jie ju jie xiao le
hou lai dang peng you
ni wo ye zhi shi shuo shuo

xun lian cheng hao yan yuan de wo
shuo bu yi han shi pian ren de
na xie ai yu bu ai
hai zai zheng li zhe
wo ming bai de
zhi shi shei lai dao yan na

yong gan shi ni jiao de
yan lei shi wo de
kuai le dou jia de
wo xiang zhao ge da an
ru guo ai
bei chu mai
dao zui hou fei mai pin you shen ma sheng xia
tai hao jiang
you tai sha
shou le shang dang zeng pin liu xia

bao zhuang de jian jiang
xiao de na ma zi ran
bei shang ye fang jin chu chuang
ai mei you da an
zai jue jiang
zai bu fang
dao zui hou bei kan chuan yi ge ren cheng jiang
shuo bu hen
shi pian ren
wo bu zai yin man ai de shang hen
bu she zhuan guo shen
bu bi hui tao de cheng ren
fei mai pin shi ai zui mei de ling hun

xun lian cheng hao yan yuan de wo
shuo bu yi han shi pian ren de
na xie ai yu bu ai
hai zai zheng li zhe
wo ming bai de
zhi shi shei lai dao yan na

bao zhuang de jian jiang
xiao de na ma zi ran
bei shang ye fang jin chu chuang
ai mei you da an
zai jue jiang
zai bu fang
dao zui hou bei kan chuan yi ge ren cheng jiang
shuo bu hen
shi pian ren
wo bu zai yin man ai de shang hen
bu she zhuan guo shen
bu bi hui tao de cheng ren
fei mai pin shi ai zui mei de ling hun

English Translation Lyrics

How did I fall for you back then
I listened to my friends’ warnings with a smile
There are no rules to love’s script in the first place
It’s not important now
The ending has been revealed
“Let’s just be friends” is just something we say

When the well-trained actor says "I have no regrets"
It's just a lie
I'm still trying to put my romances in order
I understand 
But who shall be the director

You taught me courage
The tears are mine,
the happiness is fake
I want to find an answer
If love has been betrayed,
is there anything priceless?
Loving to be strong and foolish
Keeping my wound as a remnant coin

The strength I've taken care of
Smiling so naturally
Putting my grief into a display window
There is no answer to love
Still stubborn, still not differentiating
I'm seen through at the end, acting strong alone
Saying I don't hate is a lie
I won't hide the scars of love anymore
I don't want to turn around
I don't need to acknowledge it
Being priceless is love's most beautiful soul

When the well-trained actor says "I have no regrets"
It's just a lie
I'm still trying to put my romances in order
I understand 
But who shall be the director

You taught me courage
The tears are mine,
the happiness is fake
I want to find an answer
If love has been betrayed,
is there anything priceless?
Loving to be strong and foolish
Keeping my wound as a remnant coin

The strength I've taken care of
Smiling so naturally
Putting my grief into a display window
There is no answer to love
Still stubborn, still not differentiating
I'm seen through at the end, acting strong alone
Saying I don't hate is a lie
I won't hide the scars of love anymore
I don't want to turn around
I don't need to acknowledge it
Being priceless is love's most beautiful soul

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