
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 節拍器 Jie Pai Qi lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilin
Metronome (節拍器; Jie Pai Qi)


Album: Agent J (特務J)

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 節拍器 Jie Pai Qi lyrics

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

是我越來越想你 還是隱形了自己
小心翼翼你的語氣 配合你的表情
我的好勝心為你捨棄 以為這就是愛情
直到自己 沒空氣 才發現不能再繼續

我不願意 再為了討你的歡心
別讓我的心 像是 上緊發條的節拍器
我的呼吸 慢慢跟不上節拍器
最初的設定 我們交叉在不同的頻率 歸零

是我越來越想你 還是隱形了自己
小心翼翼你的語氣 配合你的表情
我的好勝心為你捨棄 以為這就是愛情
直到自己 沒空氣 才發現不能再繼續

我不願意 再為了討你的歡心
別讓我的心 像是 上緊發條的節拍器
我的呼吸 慢慢跟不上節拍器
最初的設定 我們交叉在不同的頻率 放棄

時間把我們一起囚禁 快樂傷心
愛要多少世紀 才能夠停止尋覓

妥協了語氣 節拍器 在細數我的哭泣
可不可以 不用再跟著你靠近
我可以安靜 聆聽時間倒轉的旋律 暫停

Pin yin Lyrics

shi wo yue lai yue xiang ni
hai shi ying xing le zi ji
xiao xin yi yi ni de yu qi
pei he ni de biao qing

wo de hao sheng xin wei ni she qi
yi wei zhe jiu shi ai qing
zhi dao zi ji mei kong qi
cai fa xian bu neng zai ji xu

wo bu yuan yi wei le tao ni de huan xin
bie rang wo de xin
xiang shi shang jin fa tiao de jie pai qi
wo de hu xi man man gen bu shang jie pai qi
zui chu de she ding
wo men jiao cha zai bu tong pin lu

fang qi
shi jian ba wo men yi qi
jiu jing kuai le shang xin
ai yao duo shao shi ji
cai neng gou ting zhi xun mi

bu zai yan ni ai de zi ji
tuo xia le yu qi jie pai qi
zai yi xi shu wo de gu ji
ke bu ke yi
bu gou zai gen zhe ni kao jin
wo ke yi an jing
ling ting shi jian dao zhuan de xuan lu
zhan ting

English Translation Lyrics

I'm starting to become more like you,
or have I made myself invisible?
I'm careful with my tone
in order to suit your mood

Believing that it's love
to sacrifice my ambitions
Until I can't breathe
and then I realize I can't continue

I'm not willing to just for the sake of winning your approval
Don't let my heart
be as tight and rigid as a metronome
My breathing slowly cannot keep up with the metronome
Our initial accord
that we would come together in the midst of different frequencies (and origins)

Give up
Time has trapped us together
Happiness, sadness
How many centuries does it take
to stop looking for them?

No longer putting on a personality that you like
abandoning my accomoding tone
The metronome is methodically counting the number of my tears
Is it possible to not wait for you to come closer anymore?
I can silently,
attentively listen to the melody of time flowing in reverse

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