
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 怕什麼 Pa Shenme lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilin
Fear-free (怕什麼; Pa Shen Me)


Album: Agent J (特務J)

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 怕什麼 Pa Shenme lyrics

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

能感覺你手很暖和 能感覺你是特別的
當我的手被你牽著 在街頭在風中放縱

隨你到世界最盡頭 隨你上山去放煙火
當你唱著 生日快樂 我感動 你讓我受寵

我不再怕什麼 躲什麼 我只想知道你在想什麼
聽你輕輕的 輕輕的 輕輕的說 到底我是你的什麼

我不再怕什麼 躲什麼 我只想知道你愛不愛我
現在我安靜的 貼在你的胸口
等你說 聽你說 說愛我

我肯定你是愛我的 我肯定你是認真的
你會愛我天長地久 全世界為我們祝賀

我不再怕什麼 躲什麼 我只想知道你在想什麼
聽你輕輕的 輕輕的 輕輕的說 到底我是你的什麼

說愛我 (怕什麼 躲什麼)
怕什麼 (知道你愛不愛我)
現在我安靜的 貼在你的胸口
等你說 聽你說 說愛我

Pin yin Lyrics

Neng ganjue ni shou hen nuanhe
Neng ganjue ni shi tebie di
Dang wodi shou bei ni qian zhu
Zai jietou zai feng zhong fangzong

Sui ni dao shijie zui jintou
Sui ni shang shan qu fang yanhuo
Dang ni chang zhu
Sheng ri kuai le
Wo gandong
Ni rang wo shou chong

* Wo buzai pa shimo
Duo shimo
Wo zhi xiang zhidao ni zai xiang shimo
Qing tiejin wodi xin tiejin wodi erduo
Ting ni qingqing di
Qingqing di
Qingqing di shou
Daodi wo shi ni di shimo

Wo buzai pa shimo
Duo shimo
Wo zhi xiang zhidao ni ai bu ai wo
Xianzai wo anjing di
Tie zai ni di xiong kou
Deng ni shuo
Ting ni shuo
Shuo ai wo

Wo kending ni shi ai wo di
Wo kending ni shi renzhen di
Ni hui ai wo tian chang di jiu
Quan shi jie wei wo men zhu he

* Repeat

Pa shi mo
Duo shi mo duo shuo (Ai wo wo)
Zhidao ni ai bu ai wo wo
Pa shi mo pa
Xianzai wo anjing di
Tie zai ni di xiong kou
Deng ni shuo
Ting ni shuo
Shuo ai wo

English Translation Lyrics

I can feel your hands are warm
I can feel you are special
When you hold my hand
in the street, the wind gone wild

Follow you to the end of the world
Follow you up the mountains for fireworks
When you sing Happy Birthday,
I'm touched
You make me feel protected

* I'm not afraid of anything,
hide from everything
I only want to know what you are thinking
Please come close to my heart, come close to my ear
Hear you gently,
gently say
what I am to you

I'm not afraid of anything,
hide from everything
I only want to know if you love me
Right now,
I'm quietly leaning against your chest
Waiting for you to say,
hearing you say,
say you love me

I believe you love me
I believe you are serious
You will love me forever
The world will congratulate us

* Repeat

Say you love me (afraid of what, hide from what)
Afraid of what (know if you love me or not)
Right now, I quietly lean against your chest
Waiting for you to say,
hearing you say,
say you love me

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