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Sunday, August 7, 2011

S.H.E - Shou Liu Wo lyrics

S.H.E (Selina, Hebe, Ella)
Shou Liu Wo / 收留我
Take Me
Lyrics Romanized & English Translation

Album: SHERO

作詞:中文詞:陳樂融 / Jessica Beach / Dave Pickell / Joe Cruz 
作曲:Jessica Beach / Dave Pickell / Joe Cruz
Lyrics:Chinese:Chen Yuerong / Jessica Beach / Dave Pickell / Joe Cruz 
Composer:Jessica Beach / Dave Pickell / Joe Cruz

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

你說他 像情聖眼睛亮晶晶
但是他 在心裡藏著秘密
更別提他 一喝酒就會發神經

臭男生不成長 女生傷心
好怕到最後 孤伶伶

等你收留我 那又怎麼樣
就算沒有另一半 也有好朋友
一起唱歌 做飯 發呆
好姐妹 好自由 等你收留我

但是你 不見他全身不對勁
盯太緊 又怕他不能呼吸
就好像 被判了無期徒刑

說不定都是你 自己有病

不怕到最後 賴定你

等你收留我 那又怎麼樣
就算變成老太婆 也是好朋友
一起看書 跳舞 shopping
好姐妹 好快樂

等你收留我 說來幸福
有你好幸福 不讓我們蓋間民宿
不再孤獨 不認輸

等你收留我 那又怎麼樣
就算沒有另一半 也有好朋友
一起唱歌 做飯 發呆

等你收留我 那又怎麼樣
就算變成老太婆 也是好朋友
一起看書 跳舞 shopping
好姐妹 好快樂


Pinyin Lyrics

ni shuo ta
xiang qing sheng yan jing liang jing jing
dan shi ta
zai xin li cang zhe mi mi
geng bie ti ta
yi he jiu jiu hui fa shen jing
bu dong zhen xi ni dui ta de zhen xin

shuo le ji nian hai shi zhe xie wen ti
mei ci zong zai cai ce ta de xin qing
chou nan sheng bu cheng chang
nu sheng shang xin
ru guo ta yong yuan bu ti yong yuan
zhe shi jie jiu duo yi ge lao xiao jie
hao pa dao zui hou
gu ling ling

deng ni shou liu wo
na you zen me yang
nan dao wo hui rang ni lin yu
jiu suan mei you ling yi ban
ye you hao peng you
yi qi chang ge zuo fan fa dai
hao jie mei hao zi you
deng ni shou liu wo

dan shi ni
bu jian ta quan sheng bu dui jing
ding tai jing
you pa ta bu neng hu xi
ni zao ji xian jing qu
ta xiang ni de you kong qi
jiu hao xiang
bei pan le wu qi tu xing

shuo le ji nian hai shi zhe xie wen ti
mei ci zong zai cai ce ta de xin qing
shuo bu ding dou shi ni
zi ji you bing

ru guo ta zhen de mei you jian bang
jiu zhi sheng wo men pei ni yi qi kang
bu pa dao zui hou
lai ding ni

deng ni shou liu wo
na you zen me yang
nan dao wo hui rang ni ku qi
jiu suan bian cheng lao tai po
ye shi hao peng you
yi qi kan shu tiao wu SHOPPING
hao jie mei hao kuai le

deng ni shou liu wo
shuo lai xin fu
you ni hao xin fu
bu rang wo men gai jian min su
bu dang gong zhu jiu kai xin dang chun gu
bu zai gu du bu ren shu

deng ni shou liu wo
na you zen me yang
nan dao wo hui rang ni lin yu
jiu suan mei you ling yi ban
ye you hao peng you
yi qi chang ge zuo fan fa dai

deng ni shou liu wo
na you zen me yang
nan dao wo hui rang ni ku qi
jiu suan bian cheng lao tai po
ye shi hao peng you
yi qi kan shu tiao wu SHOPPING
hao jie mei hao kuai le

deng ni shou liu wo

English Translation Lyrics

You say he have expressive looks with sparkly eyes

But he is hiding some secrets in his heart

And dont even mention how he goes crazy when he drinks beer

He doesnt know how to treasure your true heart

Talk about these years there is still these problems

Always guessing his mood

Bad guys dont grow up, girls get hurt

If he never mentions forever

Then there is just another old lady in the world

Afraid to be a loner in the end

[Chorus 1]
Waiting for you to shelter me

There's no big deal; Do you think I will let you get soak in the rain

Even if we dont have another half, there is still good friends

Singing, cooking and daydreaming together; Enjoying freedom with good sisters

Waiting for you to shelter me yeah

But if you dont see him you become uncomfortable

Stare too tight and youre scare that he cannot breathe

Its as though youve fallen into him and hes your remote control

As if youve sentenced to life imprisonment

Talk about these years there is till these problems

Always guessing his mood

Maybe it is actually you that have a problem

If he really doesnt have shoulders (take on responsibilities)

At least we will help you carry together

Not afraid that in the end you rely on me

[Chorus 2]
Waiting for you to shelter me

There's no big deal; Do you think I will let you cry?

Even if we become old ladies we will still be good friends

Reading, dancing and shopping together

Enjoying happiness with good sisters

Waiting for you to shelter me

Income happiness (you are very happy)

Why not build a motel

Instead of being princess, we happily become country girls

Not lonely anymore, not admitting defeat

Waiting for you to shelter me

There's no big deal; Do you think I will let you get soak in the rain

Even if we dont have another half, there is still good friends

Singing, cooking and daydreaming together

[Repeat Chorus 2]

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