
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A-Mei - Lu Cheng lyrics

A-Mei (张惠妹 Zhang Hui Mei)
Lu Cheng (旅程; Journey)
Lyrics Romanized & English Translation

A-Mei - Lu Cheng  cover

Album: Lu Cheng (旅程; Journey)
(Special Album)

作曲: 季中平
編曲: 鍾興民
填詞: 余致明
Composer: Ji Zhongping
Arranged by: Zhong Xing Min
Lyrics: Yu Zhiming

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

明明醒著的午后 感覺像個夢
暖暖吹著的微風 走過的路一幕幕在夢中
每當懷疑開始搖頭 相信總是緊握我的雙手

當我害怕的時候 什麼都沒把握
勇敢總是在左右 再困難的夢陪我一起做
每當傷心開始低頭 快樂悄悄走近對我訴說
讓我們抬頭看看天空 (雨後的天空會有彩虹)

Sunny day with the rain together 像苦與甜交織的景色
春天的花 冬天的寒冷 都是色彩繽紛的人生
Sunny day with the rain together 時間轉動著古老的緣份
黑暗的夜 明亮的早晨 那都是我們 豐盛的旅程

Pinyin Lyrics

ming ming xing zhu de wu hou
gan jue xiang ge meng
nuan nuan chui zhu de wei feng
zou guo de lu yi mu mu zai meng zhong 
mei dang huai yi kai shi yao tou
xiang xin zong shi jin wo wo de shuang shou
gao su wo nu li ye zou hen G
dang wo hai pa de shi hou
shen me du mei you ba wo
yong gan zong shi zai zuo you
zai kun nan de meng pei wo yi qi zuo
mei dang shang xin kai shi di tou
kuai le qiao qiao zou jin dui wo su shuo
rang wo men tai tou kan kan tian kong
(yu hou de tian kong ye yin m hong=
sunny day with the rain together
xiang ku yu tian jiao zhi de jing se chun tian de hua
dong tian de han leng
du shi se cai bin fen de ren sheng 
sunny day with the rain together
shi jian zhuan dong zhu gu lao de yuan fen
hei an de ye
ming liang de zao chen
na du shi wo men
feng sheng de lu cheng

English Translation Lyrics

Obviously awake in the afternoon feel like a dream
Warm-blowing breeze through the road scenes in a dream
Believes there is always clenched my hands began shaking his head whenever suspected
Told me that efforts will bear fruit

When I was afraid of nothing to grasp
Brave always accompany me around again dream
Whenever sad began bow happy quietly approached to say to me
Let us look up at the sky (sky after the rain there will be rainbow)

Sunny day with the rain together like the bitter with the sweet intertwined views
Spring flowers winter cold are a colorful life
Sunny Day with the rain together time turning the old fate
The bright morning of a dark night that are rich journey

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