
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 騎士精神; Qi Shi Jing Shen lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilin

Spirit of the Knight (騎士精神; Qi Shi Jing Shen)

Album: Magic (看我72變)

Jolin_tsai_Qi Shi Jing Shen_lyrics

Han zi Lyrics 歌詞

那些令人刺耳的声音 我不听 我不听
没有用 微笑的表面不停骗自己
他们的语气 好笑的攻击 自卑的心理
四年来 带着各种面具想让你我孤立
莫名其妙那些话语 莫名期妙那些话语
如同沙子掉进眼里 不用哭泣
莫名其妙那些话语 莫名期妙那些话语
不如下挡电影 值得注意
我 不要王子苦苦守候的故事
像骑士的忠贞 不畏惧邪恩的眼神
这过程 一直放在我心底就像
挡在你胸前的盔甲 保护着我让我心疼
骑士们 发挥出你们的精神 就这样
骄傲的公主的要回家 整装再出发
像骑士的忠贞 不畏惧邪恩的


(那些另人刺耳的声音 我不听 我不听)

(偏偏我又容易受影响容易伤心 没有用)
骄傲的公主的要回家 整装再出发
(他们的语气 好笑的攻击 自卑的心理)
(四年来 带着各种面具想让你我孤立)

Pin yin Lyrics

Dang wo kan jian zuo jian po sun de zhan yi
Kui jia hou de ni biao qing dai zhao xiao yi xiang yao dui wo shuo wai
Lai de xi ji ji jiang li gong zhu yuan qu
Na xie ling ren ci er de sheng yin wo bu ting wo bu ting
Pian pian wo you rong yi shou ying xiang rong yi shang xin mei you yong
Wei xiao de biao mian bu ting pian zi ji
Ta men de yu qi hao xiao de gong ji zi bei de xin li si nian lai dai
Zhao ge zhong mian ju xiang rang ni wo gu li
Mo ming qi miao na xie hua yu mo ming qi miao na xie hua yu ru tong sha
Zi diao jin yan li bu yong ku qi
Mo ming qi miao na xie hua yu mo ming qi miao na xie hua yu bu ru xia
Dang dian ying zhi de zhu yi
Wo bu yao wang zi ku ku shou hou de gu shi meng huan bu shi wo bu xi
Wang ni shi wang zi
Yin wei gui li tong hua jie ju wei zhan er si gu shi kai duan jie ju hui
Yin ni er zhen shi
Xiang qi shi de zhong zhen bu wei ju xie en de yan shen zhe guo cheng
Yi zhi fang zai wo xin di jiu xiang
Dang zai ni xiong qian de kui jia bao hu zhao wo rang wo xin teng
Qi shi men fa hui chu ni men de jing shen jiu zhe yang qiang han de
Qi shi cheng dao zui hou
Jiao ao de gong zhu de yao hui jia zheng zhuang zai chu fa
Xiang qi shi de zhong zhen bu wei ju xie en de yan shen ( dang wo kan
Jian zuo jian po sun de zhan yi)
Zhe guo cheng yi zhi fang zai wo xin di jiu xiang ( kui jia hou de ni biao
Qing dai zhao xiao yi xiang yao dui wo shuo)
Dang zai ni xiong qian de kui jia ( wai lai de xi ji ji jiang li gong zhu
Yuan qu)
Bao hu zhao wo rang wo xin teng ( na xie ling ren ci er de sheng yin wo
Bu ting wo bu ting)
Qi shi men fa hui chu ni men de jing shen ( pian pian wo you rong yi shou
Ying xiang rong yi shang xin mei you yong)
Jiu zhe yang qiang han de qi shi cheng dao zui hou ( wei xiao de biao mian
Bu ting pian zi ji)
Jiao ao de gong zhu de yao hui jia zheng zhuang zai chu fa
( ta men de yu qi hao xiao de gong ji zi bei de xin li si nian lai dai
Zhao ge zhong mian ju xiang rang ni wo gu li)

English Translation Lyrics

When I see the war robe with a damaged left shoulder.
The you behind the armor wants to tell me with a laugh.
The raid outside will not be close to the princess.
Those harsh sounds, I won't listen, I won't listen
Unfortunately, I am easily affected and easily hurt.
Nothing's working, I kept on using a smiling appearance to fool myself.
Their tone, comical attacks, and self-contemptuous mind
It has been 4 years, wearing different masks letting you and me become lonely.
All these crazy sayings, All these crazy sayings.
It's like sand dropping in someone's eye, no need to cry.
All these crazy sayings, all these crazy sayings.
It's not even as good as a bad movie's noteworthiness.
I don't want the prince's bitter waiting story.
The dream isn't real, I don't want you to be the prince.
Because the great fairly tale's ending had you die for the cause of war.
The begining of the ending will cause you to be real.
Like a knight's loyalty, won't fear the evil eyesight.
This course on the bottom of my heart is like

The armor blocking your chest, protecting, letting me get hurt.

Knights, exert your spirit, just like this
The intrepid knights maintained until the very end.
The arrogant princess must go home, equip herself then depart once more.

Like a knight's loyalty, won't fear the evil eyesight.
When I see the war robe with a damaged left shoulder.
This course on the bottom of my heart is like
The you behind the armor wants to tell me with a laugh
The armor blocking your heart.
The raid outside will not be close to the princess.
protecting, letting me get hurt.

Those harsh sounds, I won't listen, I won't listen
Knights, exert your spirit
Unluckly, I am easily affected and easily hurt.
The intrepid knights maintained until the very end.
Keep on using a smiling appearcance to fool myself.
The arrogant princess must go home, equip herself then depart once more.
Their tone, comical attacks, and self-contemptuous mind
It has been 4 years, wearing different masks leltting me and you become lonely.

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