
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 愛情36計; Ai Qing 36 Ji lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilin

36 Love Strategies (愛情36計; Ai Qing 36 Ji)

Album: Castle (城堡)



Han zi Lyrics 歌詞

是誰說的漂亮女生沒大腦 只懂得愛美和傻笑
你看你說話的表情多麼的驕傲 難道不怕我say sorry get out

是誰開始先出招 沒什麼大不了
見招拆招才重要 敢愛就不要跑

愛情三十六計 就像一場遊戲 我要自己掌握遙控器
愛情三十六計 要隨時保持美麗 才能得分不被判出局
不必聲明和她的關係 不用故弄玄虛故意裝神秘

愛是一種奇妙的東西 會讓人突然不能呼吸
我需要一個人靜一靜 (決定) 究竟什麼該放棄

愛情三十六計 就像一場遊戲 我要自己掌握遙控器
愛情三十六計 要隨時保持美麗 才能得分不被判出局
不必聲明和她的關係 不用故弄玄虛 故意裝神秘
不必聲明和她的關係 不用故弄玄虛 故意裝神秘

有點曖昧 又有一點點距離

是誰開始先出招 沒什麼大不了
見招拆招才重要 敢愛就不要跑

愛情三十六計 就像一場遊戲 我要自己掌握遙控器
愛情三十六計 要隨時保持美麗 才能得分不被判出局

愛情三十六計 就像一場遊戲 我要自己掌握遙控器
愛情三十六計 要隨時保持美麗 才能得分不被判出局


Pinyin Lyrics

She shui shuo de piao liang nu sheng mei da nao
Zhi dong de ai mei he sha xiao
Ni kan ni shuo hua de biao qing duo me de jiao ao
Nan dao bu pa wo say sorry get out

Shi shui kai shi xian chi jiao
Mei shen me da bu liao
Jian zhao cai zhao cai zhong yao
Kan ai jiu bu yao pao

Ai qing san shi liu ji
Jiu xiang yi chang you zi
Wo yao zi ji zhao wo yao kong ji
Ai qing san shi liu ji
Yao sui shi bao chi mei li
Cai neng de fen bu bei pan chu qu
Bu bi shuo ni he da de kuan xi
Bu yong bu nong sun xu gu yi zhuang shen mi

Ai shi yi zhong qi miao de dong xi
Hui rang ren tu ran bu neng hu xi
Wo xu yao yi ke ren jing yi jing
Jiu jing shen me gai fang qi

Ai qing san shi liu ji
Jiu xiang yi chang you zi
Wo yao zi ji zhao wo yao kong ji
Ai qing san shi liu ji
Yao sui shi bao chi mei li
Cai neng de fen bu bei pan chu qu
Bu bi shuo ni he da de kuan xi
Bu yong bu nong sun xu gu yi zhuang shen mi

Ye xu zhe shi ai qing zui mei de guan xi
You dian ai mei yong you yi dian dian ju li

Shi shui kai shi xian chi jiao
Mei shen me da bu liao
Jian zhao cai zhao cai zhong yao
Kan ai jiu bu yao pao

(Chorus x2)
Ai qing san shi liu ji
Jiu xiang yi chang you zi
Wo yao zi ji zhao wo yao kong ji
Ai qing san shi liu ji
Yao sui shi bao chi mei li
Cai neng de fen bu bei pan chu qu

Ye xu zhe shi ai qing zui mei de guan xi
Bu bi shuo ni he da de kuan xi (x2)

English Translation Lyrics

Who said that beautiful girls do not have brain
Just know how to dress up and laugh foolishly
Your expression when you said this, is so proud
Aren't you afraid that I'll SAY SORRY GET OUT
It doesn't matter who take the inititative
Solve problem when there is, this is important
If you dare to love, then don't run away

* chorus:
36 tricks of love is something like a game
I want to have the remote controller to myself
36 tricks of love need to maintain attraction all the time
It's only by this, that marks could be obtained and not being punished to out of the game
You don't need to tell me your relationship with her
You don't have to purposely pretend it to be secret

Love is a kind of wonderful thing
Will make people could not breath suddenly
I need to be alone quietly
What exactly I should let go

* repeat chorus X1
36 tricks of love is something like a game
I want to have the remote controller to myself
36 tricks of love need to maintain attraction all the time
It's only by this, that marks could be obtained and not being punished to out of the game
You don't need to tell me your relationship with her
You don't have to purposely pretend it to be secret

Or maybe this is the beauty of love
There's some beauty of love, also some distance

It doesn't matter who take the inititative
Solve problem when there is, this is important
If you dare to love, then don't run away

36 tricks of love is something like a game
I want to have the remote controller to myself
36 tricks of love need to maintain attraction all the time
It's only by this, that marks could be obtained and not being punished to out of the game

36 tricks of love is something like a game
I want to have the remote controller to myself
36 tricks of love need to maintain attraction all the time
It's only by this, that marks could be obtained and not being punished to out of the game

Or maybe this is the beauty of love
You don't need to tell me your relationship with her
You don't need to tell me your relationship with her

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