
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Jolin Tsai - Chun Chun Yu Dong lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai YilinAttraction of Sexy Lips (唇唇欲動; Chun Chun Yu Dong)

Album: Dancing Diva (舞孃)

 commercial song for Max Factor's lipstickswritten and produced by Singaporean songwriter-producer Terry Lee


Han zi Lyrics 歌詞

緊盯我的雙眸 愛的雷達鎖定我
要愛不要囉唆 幸福不該光說不做
曖昧唇語裝聽不懂 沒有那麼簡單就上勾
你給的愛不要做作 只要做出反射動作

完美微笑的唇型 讓你意亂又神迷
純純欲動的唇印 就要越過危險關係
Sexy Pretty & Juicy 讓你眼花又頭暈
唇唇欲動的絕技 你已經被我擺平

模糊愛情線索 想讓你看不清我
不要太靠近我 小心你眼睛著火
我不想把謊言戳破 等著你真心的說愛我
你有權利保持沉默 猜你撐不過三秒鐘

完美微笑的唇型 讓你意亂又神迷
純純欲動的唇印 就要越過危險關係
Sexy Pretty & Juicy 讓你眼花又頭暈
唇唇欲動的絕技 你已經被我擺平

這完美的輪廓 讓每個人都想蠢蠢欲動
這神秘的味道 讓人忍不住都想咬一口

Pinyin Lyrics

Jin ding wo de shuang meng
ai de lei da shuo ding wo

yao ai bu yao luo suo
xin fu bu gai guang shuo bu zhuo

ai mei chun yu zhuang ting bu dong
mei you na mo jian dan jiu shang gou

ni gei de ai bu yao zhuo zuo
zhi yao zhuo chu fan she dong zuo


[wan mei wei xiao de chun xing
rang ni yi luan you shen mi
chun chun yu dong de chun ying
jiu yao yue guo wei xian guan xi
sexy pretty juicy
rang ni yan hua you tou yun
chun chun yu dong de jue ji
ni yi jing bei wo bai ping]

mo hu ai qing xian suo
xiang rang ni kan bu qing wo

bu yao tai kao jing wo
xiao xing ni yan jing zao huo

wo bu xiang ba huang yan shi po
deng zhe ni zhen xing de shuo ai wo

ni you quan li bao chi cheng mo
cai ni cheng bu guo san miao zhong


zhe wan mei de lun kuo
rang mei ge ren dou chun chun yu dong

zhe shen mi de wei dao
rang ren ren bu zhe xiang yiao yi kou


English Translation Lyrics

my eyes are focused
for setting the radar of love
don't get pulled in to love
joy is not about lip service
shady loaded lips don't understand
it aint that simple on the upper hook
don't be artificial with your love
while your reacting to the
perfect smiling lips
let you distraught in mystery
pure lip prints
next step our relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy
you're becoming dizzy
by my lip's moving skills
you are attracted to me
my blurry hints of love
I want you to see them clearly
Don't get too close to me
careful, your eyes might catch on fire
I don't want to wait
for you to say that you love me
you have the right to remain silent
can you even hold it for 3 seconds
perfect smiling lips
let you distraught in mystery
pure lip prints
next step our relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy
you are getting dizzy
by my lip's moving skills
you are attracted to me
I have the perfect image
everyone is grasping for air
this mysterious flavor
people can't endure, they want a bite
perfect smiling lips
let you distraught in mystery
pure lip prints
next step our relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy
you're becoming dizzy
by my lip's moving skills
you are attracted to me

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