CN Blue Truth 歌詞 lyrics PV
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Wednesday, April 23, 2014
CN Blue Truth 歌詞 lyrics PV
CNBLUE (씨엔블루, シーエヌブルー)
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized
Single: Truth
作詞 JUNG YONG HWA/miwa*
Japanese / Kanji Lyrics 歌詞
右上に視線を泳がす お決まりのパターン
You are a beautiful liar
(気づかない) ふりをしている
(僕もまた) 共犯者だけどさ
ねぇ 騙されきれれば 嘘も愛に変わると信じてた
君の我がままも その笑顔も 僕だけのものじゃないの?
君のすべて ぶちまけてよ
まだ知らない 君まで愛したい
Tell me the Truth 微笑みより
Tell me the Truth 真実を
Tell me the Truth 見せてくれよ
まだ知らない 君まで愛したい
真実の仮面をかぶった 優しい嘘に
You are a beautiful liar
(いたずらに) 君を責めても
(僕じゃない) 誰かに逃げるの?
もう 頭と身体がちぎれそうさ それでもまだLove you more
君のぬくもりも その仕草も 独り占めしていたいよ
君のすべて 抱きしめたい
痛いほど 君だけ求めてる
Tell me the Truth 優しさより
Tell me the Truth 真実を
Tell me the Truth 見せてくれよ
まだ知らない 君まで愛したい
欲張りでもいい 不器用でもいい
それでもTell me the Truth
君の我がままも その笑顔も 僕だけのものじゃないの?
君のすべて ぶちまけてよ
まだ知らない 君まで愛したい
Romaji Lyrics
Migi ue ni shisen o oyogasu
Okimari no patān
Mono uge ni matsuge ga furueru
You are a beautiful liar
Kizukanai furi o shiteiru
Boku mo mata kyohan sha da kedo sa
Uso mo ai ni kawaru to shinjiteta
Kimi no wagamama mo sono egao mo
Boku dake no mono janai no?
Kimi no subete buchimakete yo
Mada shiranai kimi made aishitai
Tell me the truth hohoemi yori
Tell me the truth shinjitsu o
Tell me the truth misete kure yo
Mada shira nai kimi made aishitai
Shinjitsu no kamen o komutta yasashii uso ni
Aki mo sezu kokoro egurareru
You are a beautiful liar
Itazura ni kimi o semete mo
Boku ja nai dareka ni nigeru no?
Mo atama to karada ga chigire so sa
Soredemo mada love you more
Kimi no nukumori mo sono shigusa mo
Hitorijime shiteitai yo
Kimi no subete dakishimetai
Itai hodo kimi dake motometeru
Tell me the truth yasashi sa yori
Tell me the truth shinjitsu o
Tell me the truth misete kure yo
Mada shira nai kimi made aishitai
Yokubari demo ii
Bukiyo demo ii
Tatoe boku no jiko manzoku demo ii
Soredemo tell me the truth
(Kimi no nukumori mo sono shigusa mo)
Kimi no wagamama mo sono egao mo
Boku dake no mono janai no?
Kimi no subete buchimake te yo
Mada shira nai kimi made aishitai
Tell me the truth hohoemi yori
Tell me the truth shinjitsu o
Tell me the truth misete kure yo
Mada shira nai kimi made aishitai
English Translation Lyrics
You let your gaze swim towards the upper right
In a decided pattern
And you tremble your eye lashes wearily
You’re a beautiful liar
I’m pretending not to notice
And again though, I’m nothing but your accomplice
I believed that if I just kept my mouth shut
The lies would turn into love
Your selfishness, and your smile
They don’t belong just to me?
Tell me everything
I want to love the you I don’t even know yet
Tell me the truth, more than your smile
Tell me the truth, the truth
Tell me the truth please show it to me
I want to love the you I don’t even know yet
You concealed your lies, in a mask of truth
Without growing tired, you gouge my heart
You’re a beautiful liar
Even I condemn you in vain
Would you run away to someone who isn’t me?
It feels like my head and body will be torn away from each other
But even then, I Love you more
Your warmth, and those actions
I want to make them all mine
I want to embrace everything about you
I seek only you out, to the point where it hurts
Tell me the truth More than kindness
Tell me the truth, the truth
Tell me the truth Please show it to me
I want to love the you I don’t even know yet
I’m fine with it being greed
I’m fine with it being mean
I’m fine with it being my self satisfaction
Just Tell me the truth
(Your warmth, and your actions)
Your selfishness, and your smile
They don’t belong just to me?
Tell me everything
I want to love the you I don’t even know yet
Tell me the truth, more than your smile
Tell me the truth, the truth
Tell me the truth please show it to me
I want to love the you I don’t even know yet

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