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Monday, June 18, 2012

BY2 - Don't Go Away lyrics

Don't Go Away

BY2 - Don't Go Away lyrics

Album: Twins

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

你還是走了 我有點不捨
我不是哭了 是陽光折射
眼睛也 紅了顏色

不懂 為什麼快樂 像冰淇淋 口中
溶化得 特別 衝動
不懂 為什麼樹葉 染紅的時候

Don't, don't go away
我還捨不得 你不要走
Don't, don't go away
從來不曾一個人 生活
有人分享才值得 擁有

我還在聽著 你寫過的歌
成長的選擇 沒有過預設
像蘋果 一樣青澀

不懂 為什麼快樂 像冰淇淋 口中
溶化得 特別 衝動
不懂 為什麼樹葉 染紅的時候

Don't, don't go away
我還捨不得 你不要走
Don't, don't go away
從來不曾一個人 生活

能不能夠 讓時間回頭
So don't, don't go away

Don't, don't go away
我還捨不得 你不要走
Don't, don't go away
從來不曾一個人 生活
有人分享才值得 擁有

Pinyin & English Translation Lyrics

你还是走了 我有点不舍
ni hai shi zou le wo you dian bu she
You're still leaving, I'm a little against it

gai shuo dian shen me
What should I say

我不是哭了 是阳光折射
wo bu shi ku le shi yang guang zhe she
I'm not crying, it's the sunlight's refraction

眼睛也 红了颜色
yan jing ye hong le yan se
My eyes are also red

*不懂 为什么快乐 像冰淇淋 口中
*bu dong wei shen me kuai le xiang bing qi lin kou zhong
I don't understand why happiness, like ice cream in my mouth

溶化得 特别 冲动
rong hua de te bie chong dong
Melts, especially on impulse

不懂 为什么树叶 染红的时候
bu dong wei shen me shu ye ran hong de shi hou
I don't understand why leaves, when dyed red

jiu dao yao fen shou
Need to break apart

**Dont, dont go away
**Don't, don't go away
我还舍不得 你不要走
wo hai she bu de ni bu yao zou
I still can't give up, you can't go

Dont, dont go away
Don't don't go away

从来不曾一个人 生活
cong lai bu ceng yi ge ren sheng huo
I've never lived a lonely life

有人分享才值得 拥有
you ren fen xiang cai zhi de yong you
There's someone sharing until it's worth having

我还在听着 你写过的歌
wo hai zai ting zhe ni xie guo de ge
I'm still listening to the song you wrote

liu yan zai bu luo ge
Leaving comments on the blog

成长的选择 没有过预设
cheng zhang de xuan ze mei you guo yu she
The decisions of growing up aren't prepared on display

像苹果 一样青涩
xiang ping guo yi yang qing se
Just like an apple's green color

(repeat *, **)

能不能够 让时间回头
neng bu neng gou rang shi jian hui tou
Can it ever be enough, to let time turn around

So Dont, dont go away
So Don't don't go away

(repeat **)

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