
Friday, June 1, 2012

La passione commuove la storia lyrics 歌詞 Risa Ohki (大木理紗)

Risa Ohki (大木理紗)
La passione commuove la storia
The passion moves the story
Lyrics English Translation

Album: Genso Suikoden Vocal Collection ~La Passione Commuove la Storia~ (幻想水滸伝 ボーカルコレクション ~La passione commuove la storia~)

Italian Lyrics

Tutti i soldati
Padri bambini e fidanzati
Tornarono da chi li aspettava

Tutti i cadaveri
Come fiori alberi e erba
Tornarono alla natura calda

La passione commuove la storia
La sabbia del tempo scorre
I bambini giocano sulle colline
Un giorno il dolore finira

English Translation Lyrics

All of the soldiers
Fathers and children who were engaged
They returned for those who waited for them

All of the bodies
Like flowers, trees, and grass
They returned at the warm nature

The passion moves the story
The sands of time run
The children play on the hills
One day the pain will finish

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