
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ladies Code Release Beautiful, Tear-Stained Tribute Video To Fallen Members

'I'm Fine Thank You' video is a moving goodbye to EunB and Rise.

Just weeks after members EunB and Rise were killed in a tragic car crash, Korean pop group Ladies Code have released a tribute video to their late band mates.
Ladies Code EunB
Ladies Code EunB
The four-minute clip cued to the emotional acoustic ballad “I’m Fine Thank You” focuses on behind-the-scenes clips of the group in the studio, meeting fans, performing, goofing off together, doing interviews and hanging out backstage. The tribute ends with EunB addressing fans while speaking to the camera as tears roll down her face.

The accident took place on September 2 on the way back from a gig when a wheel came off of the car they were traveling in and the vehicle spun out. EunB, 22, was killed in the crash, and Rise, 23, passed several days later of complications during surgery after suffering a head injury in the crash.

Fellow member So Jung was severely injured as well in the crash, but the other two remaining members of the group, Ashley and Zuny, did not suffer serious injuries.


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