
Monday, June 4, 2012

Joey Yung - Hui Zhe Chi Bang De Nu Hai lyrics

Joey Yung (容祖兒)
Hui Zhe Chi Bang De Nu Hai (揮著翅膀的女孩)
The girls waving wings
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized

Joey Yung Hui Zhe Chi Bang De Nu Hai lyrics
Joey Yung - Hui Zhe Chi Bang De Nu Hai lyrics

Album: Wo De Jiao Ao 我的驕傲 (My Pride)

My Pride - Mandarin version (我的驕傲-國語版)

Composer: Chen Guangrong
Lyrics: Xu Changde
Arranged by: Chen Guangrong
Producer: Chen Guangrong

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

當我還是 一個懵懂的女孩
遇到愛 不懂愛 從過去 到現在
直到他 也離開 留我在雲海徘徊
明白沒人能取代 他曾給我的信賴

See me fly I'm proud to fly up high
不能一直依賴 別人給我擁戴
Believe me I can fly
I'm singing in the sky
就算風雨覆蓋 我也不怕重來

我已不是 那個懵懂的女孩
遇到愛 用力愛 仍信真愛
風雨來 不避開 謙虛把頭低下來
像沙鷗來去天地 只為尋一個奇蹟

See me fly I'm proud to fly up high
生命已經打開 我要哪種精彩
Believe me I can fly
I'm singing in the sky
你曾經對我說 做勇敢的女孩

我盼有一天 能和你相見
驕傲地對著天空說 是借著你的風

Let me fly I'm proud to fly up high
生命已經打開 我要哪種精彩
Believe me I can fly
I'm singing in the sky
你曾經對我說 做勇敢的女孩

我不會孤單 因為你都在

Pinyin Lyrics

Dang wo hai shi
Yi ge meng dong de nu hai
Yu dao ai bu dong ai
Cong guo qu dao xian zai
Zhi dao ta ye li kai
Liu wo zai yun hai pai huai
Ming bai mei ren neng qu dai
Ta ceng gei wo de xin lai

See me fly I'm proud to fly up high
Bu neng yi zhi yi lai
Bie ren gei wo yong dai
Believe me I can fly I'm singing in the sky
Jiu suan feng yu fu gai
Wo ye bu pa zhong lai

Wo yi bu shi
Na ge meng dong de nu hai
Yu dao ai yong li ai
Reng xin zhen ai
Feng yu lai bu bi kai
Qian xu ba tou di xia lai
Xiang sha ou lai qu tian di
Zhi wei xun yi ge qi ji

See me fly I'm proud to fly up high
Sheng ming yi jing da kai
Wo yao ni zhong jing cai
Believe me I can fly I'm singing in the sky
Ni ceng jing dui wo shuo
Zuo yong gan de nu hai

Wo pan you yi tian neng he ni xiang jian
Jiao ao di dui zhe tian kong shuo shi jie zhe ni de feng

Let me fly I'm proud to fly up high
Sheng ming yi jing da kai
Wo yao ni zhong jing cai
Believe me I can fly I'm singing in the sky
Ni ceng jing dui wo shuo
Zuo yong gan de nu hai

Wo bu hui gu dan
Yin wei ni dou zai

English Translation Lyrics

When I was still
An ignorant girl
[I] encountered love, [but] did not understand it
From the past, until now

Until he eventually left
Leaving me to wander in the sea of clouds
[I] realize that no one can replace
The trust he once gave me

See me fly
I'm proud to fly up high
[I] can't keep relying on
Someone else to support me

Believe me I can fly
I'm singing in the sky
Even if storm and rain should attack
I won't be afraid of starting over

I am no longer
That ignorant girl
[As I] encounter love, I do my best to love
[With] strong trust and true love

When storm and rain come, [I] won't avoid them
[I will] humbly lower [my] head
Like the seagull traveling back and forth between sky and earth
Just for the sake of seeking a miracle

See me fly
* I'm proud to fly up high
Life has been opened up
I want that kind of excitement

Believe me I can fly
I'm singing in the sky
You once said to me
Be a brave girl **

I hope one day I can see you again
[I will] proudly say towards the sky
That it's your wind I'm riding on

Let me fly


I won't be lonely
Because you're always present

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