
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fish Leong - Mei Li Ren Sheng lyrics

Fish Leong (梁静茹; Liang Jing Ru)
Mei Li Ren Sheng (美麗人生)
Life is Beautiful
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized

Fish Leong Mei Li Ren Sheng cover lyrics
Fish Leong - Mei Li Ren Sheng back cover

Album: Beautiful (美麗人生; Mei Li Ren Sheng)

作曲: 劉志宏
編曲: 黃中岳
填詞: 劉思銘
監製: 黃韻玲
曲長: 3:48
Composer: James Lau
Arranged by: Huang Zhongyue
Lyrics: Liu Siming
Producer: Kay Huang
Song Length: 3:48

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

走進滿山遍野的向日葵田 地中海 藍色透明的天
亮晶晶你臉上的汗水 直到現在
風一吹 都聞到普羅旺斯的花草香

火車顛顛跛跛的爬上了山 斑駁的光影裝滿車廂
你晃啊晃 睡在我的肩膀 時鐘慢慢 停下來

像掉進了一個 魔法的時空
愛情的流動 終於有一個理由

午後暖暖的風 吹著發呆的我

西班牙的廣場 快下山的太陽
兩個人的影子 在陌生地上

像一雙翅膀 自由自在飛翔 像畢卡索的畫像
幸福是說不出 酸酸甜甜的糖

你會一種魔法 讓夜晚都發光
123睜開眼 美麗人生在月光下跳舞

都忘了有地圖 只有手心的溫度
我們慢慢走過 花草香的小路

Hanyu Pinyin Lyrics

zou jin man shan bian ye de xiang ri kui tian di zhong hai lan se tou ming de tian

liang jing jing ni lian shang de han shui zhe dao xian zai feng yi chui dou wen dao pu luo wang si de hua cao xiang
huo che dian dian bo bo de pa shang le shan ban bo de guang ying zhuang man che xiang ni huang ya huang shui zi wo de jian bang shi zhong man man ting xia lai

xiang diao jing le yi ge mo fa de shi kong ai qing de liu dong zhong yu you yi ke li you

wu hou nuan nuan de feng chui zhe fa dai de wo bai se sha lian zai ji yi zhong fan dong

xi ban ya de kuang chang kuai xia shan de ti yang liang ge ren de ying zi zai mo shen di shang xiang yi shuang chi bang zi you zi zai fe xiang xiang Picasso de hua xiang xing fu shi shuo bu chu suan suan tian tian de tang

ni hui yi zhing muo fa rang ye wan dou f guang 1 2 3 zhen kai yan mei li ren sheng zai yue kuang xia tiao wu tou wang e you di tu zhi you shoiu xing de wen du wo men man man zhou guo hu cao xiang de xiao lu

(repeat whole thing again...)

xiang diao jing le yi ge mo fa de shi kong ai qing de liu dong zhong yu you yi ke li you wu hou nuan nuan de feng chui zhe fa dai de wo bai se sha lian zai ji yi zhong fan dong

English Translation Lyrics

Into the hillsides of sunflower fields Mediterranean blue transparent sky
Glistening sweat of your face now
Winds, smell the flowers and incense to the Provence

The train climbed the mountain mottled light and shadow filled compartments bobbing lame lame
You shake slowly stopped to sleep in my shoulder clock

Like falling into a magical space-time
Finally have a reason to love flow

Afternoon warm wind blowing daze
The white gauze flip in the memory

Spain Square sun nearly down
The shadow of two people in unfamiliar ground

Fly like a pair of wings freely like Picasso's portrait
Happiness is indescribable sweet and sour sugar

You will be a magic night light-emitting
123 opened his eyes to the beautiful life dancing in the moonlight

Forget the map only palm the temperature
We slowly walked the trail of flowers and incense

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