
Monday, September 3, 2012

Fish Leong - Cai Hong lyrics

Fish Leong (梁静茹; Liang Jing Ru)
Cai Hong (彩虹)
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized

Album: Grown Up Overnight (一夜長大, Yi Ye Chang Da)

歌名: 彩虹
編曲: 梁伯君
填詞: 阿信
曲長: 5:55
Song: Rainbow
Arranged by: Liang Bojun
Lyrics: A Xin
Song Length: 5:55

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞

坐在浴缸裡蓮蓬頭 代替我哭泣像下雨
其實我不知道 眼淚有沒有流
就像這故事中 你有沒有愛過我

虛弱的窗簾留不住 房裡的黑夜也要走
清晨喚醒了我 照亮昨夜的夢
一直到這時候 才開始有一點懂

你的愛就像彩虹 雨後的天空
絢爛卻叫人迷惑 藍綠黃紅
你的愛就像彩虹 我張開了手

你的愛就像彩虹 雨後的天空
絢爛卻叫人迷惑 你的輪廓
你的愛就像彩虹 我張開了手

吻我離開我你就像 出太陽下雨難捉摸
越是努力揣摩 越是搞不懂
只好慢慢承認 這故事叫做錯

Oh 一層一層 一層一層 一層一層 又一層層的迷宮 我來不及回頭
Oh 忽左忽右 忽上忽下 忽東忽西 忽前忽後的折磨 都是你的捉弄

吻我離開我你就像 出太陽下雨難捉摸
越是努力挽留 越是一無所有
只好慢慢期待 雨後你的影蹤

Hanyu Pinyin Lyrics

Zuò zài yùgāng li liánpengtóu dàitì wǒ kūqì xiàng xià yǔ
Qíshí wǒ bù zhīdào yǎnlèi yǒu méiyǒu liú Jiù xiàng zhè gùshì zhōng nǐ yǒu méiyǒu àiguò wǒ
Xūruò de chuānglián liú bù zhù fáng li de hēiyè yě yào zǒu
 Qīngchén huànxǐngle wǒ zhào liàng zuóyè de mèng
Yīzhí dào zhè shíhou cái kāishǐ yǒu yīdiǎn dǒng
Nǐ de ài jiù xiàng cǎihóng yǔhòu de tiānkōng
Xuànlàn què jiào rén míhuò lán lǜ huáng hóng
Nǐ de ài jiù xiàng cǎihóng wǒ zhāng kāile shǒu
Què zhǐ néng bào zhù fēng
Nǐ de ài jiù xiàng cǎihóng yǔhòu de tiānkōng
Xuànlàn què jiào rén míhuò nǐ de lúnkuò
Nǐ de ài jiù xiàng cǎihóng wǒ zhāng kāile shǒu
Què zhǐ néng bào zhù fēng
Wěn wǒ líkāi wǒ nǐ jiù xiàng chū tàiyáng xià yǔ nán zhuōmō
Yuè shì nǔlì chuǎimó yuè shì gǎo bù dǒng
Zhǐhǎo màn man chéngrèn zhè gùshì jiàozuò cuò
Oh yīcéng yīcéng yīcéng yīcéng yīcéng yīcéng yòu yīcéng céng de mígōng wǒ láibují huítóu
Oh hū zuǒ hū yòu hū shàng hū xià hū dōng hū xi hū qián hū hòu de zhémó dōu shì nǐ de zhuōnòng
Wěn wǒ líkāi wǒ nǐ jiù xiàng chū tàiyáng xià yǔ nán zhuōmō
Yuè shì nǔlì wǎnliú yuè shì yīwúsuǒyǒu
Zhǐhǎo màn man qídài yǔhòu nǐ de yǐng zōng

English Translation Lyrics

Sitting in the bath showerhead instead I cry like rain
In fact, I do not know the tears flow
You did not love me like this story

Weakness curtains failed to keep the room dark night also go
The early morning wake me last night to illuminate the dream
Until this time began a little to understand

Your love is like a rainbow after the rain, the sky
Gorgeous urges people to confuse the blue, green and yellow and red
Your love is like a rainbow, I opened my hand
But only clinging to the wind

Your love is like a rainbow after the rain, the sky
Gorgeous urges people to confuse your outline
Your love is like a rainbow, I opened my hand
But only clinging to the wind

Kiss me leave me, you're like the sun rain elusive
More efforts to try to figure out the more we do not understand
Had to slowly recognize this story called wrong

Oh layer by layer layer layer layer layer another layer maze I have no time to look back
Oh Huzuohuyou ups and downs suddenly torture thither suddenly before suddenly you tease

Kiss me leave me, you're like the sun rain elusive
The more efforts to retain the more nothing
Had to slowly look forward to after the rain you anyway

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