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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A-Mei - San Tian San Ye lyrics

A-Mei (张惠妹 Zhang Hui Mei)
San Tian San Ye (三天三夜)
Three Days Three Nights
Lyrics Romanized & English Translation

Album: Wo Ke Yi Bao Ni Ma? Airen (我可以抱你嗎?愛人)
Can I Hold You? Lover

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞


我现在的心情喝汽水也会醉 Oh
O.K.O.K 加入我的行列
No.K.No.K 白天跳到黑夜
Always Always 快乐不会吃亏
No Way No Way 谁也别想拒绝
三天三夜的三更半夜 跳舞不要停歇
三天三夜的三更半夜 飘浮只靠音乐
三天三夜的三更半夜 全身只剩汗水
三天三夜的三更半夜 Ba Ba Ba…
我现在的心情就在出轨的边缘 yeah…

Pinyin Lyrics

yi dian ye bu hui lei 
wo yi jing tiao le san tian san ye
wo xian zai de xin qing he qi shui ye hui ye hui zui Oh
wan quan du bu hui pi juan
wo huan yao zai tiao san tian san ye
wo xian zai de xin qing qing de hao xiang ke yi fei

O.K O.K jia ru qo de xian lie
NO.K NO.K bai tian tiao dao hei ye
Always Always kuai le bu hui chi kui
No Way No Way shui ye bie xiang ju jue
san tian san ye de san geng ban ye tiao wu bu yao ting xie
san tian san ye de san geng ban ye piao fu zhi kao yin le
san tian san ye de san geng ban ye quan shen zhi sheng han shui
san tian san ye de san geng ban ye Ba Ba Ba...

wan quan de mei you ji xian
wo yi jing hai le san tian san ye
wo xian zai de xin qing jiu zai chu gui de bian yuan Oh yeah...
gen ben bu ke neng he zui
wo huan yao zai hai san tian san ye
wo yan li de shi jie jiu xiang shi yi bu qia tong ying pian
yi dian du bu hui lei
yi dian du bu hui lei
yi dian du bu hui lei

English Translation Lyrics

A little bit not tired
I have jumped three days and nights
I am now feeling soft drinks will be drunk Oh
Completely are not tired
I would also like to jump three days and nights
I'm feeling light as you can fly
O.K.O.K join the ranks of
No.K.No.K during the day and skip the night
Always Always happy does not lose
No Way No Way who not even think about want to refuse
Three days and three nights in the middle of the night dancing do not stop
Three days and three nights in the middle of the night floating alone music
Three days and three nights in the middle of the night the body only sweat
Three days and nights the middle of the night Ba Ba Ba ...
Completely have no limit
I have High for three days and three nights
I'm feeling on the edge of the derailment, yeah ...
Impossible to get drunk
I would also like High three days and nights
My eyes the world is like a cartoon film
A little bit will not be tired
A little bit are not tired
A little bit are not tired

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