
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A-Mei - Cai Hong lyrics

A-Mei (张惠妹 Zhang Hui Mei)
Cai Hong (彩虹)
Lyrics Romanized & English Translation

A-Mei - Cai Hong lyrics

Album: Amit (阿密特)

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞


當天空昏暗 當气溫失常 
你用巨大的堅強 總能抵擋
當尖銳眼光 當刺耳聲響 
你用彩虹的浪漫 溫柔包裝
當天空昏暗 當气溫失常 
你用巨大的堅強 總能抵擋
當尖銳眼光 當刺耳聲響 
你用彩虹的浪漫 溫柔包裝
笑我傻 陪我慌 
陪我傻 笑我慌
當天空昏暗 當气溫失常 
你用巨大的堅強 總能抵擋
當尖銳眼光 當刺耳聲響 
你用彩虹的浪漫 溫柔包裝

Pinyin Lyrics

ni zheng qi jie bai de chuang
shi wo qing su de di fang
bao ni ku zhe dao tian liang

ni deng dai xing fu de chu fang
na ci qing ren jie wan can
que shi wo pei zhe ni chang

* yi gui bu suan tai kuan
cang zhe ni de tian tang
yi ran huan ying wo fen xiang

wo men de ai hen xiang
dou yin nan ren er shou shang
que you ji xu peng zhuang /

** dang tian kong hun an
dang qi wen shi chang
ni yong ju da de jian qiang
zong neng di dang
dang jian rui yan guang
dang ci er sheng xiang
ni yong cai hong de lang man
wen rou bao zhuang //

(Repeat *, **)

kan wo diu diao ta de xi zhuang
bi wo xian hong le yan kuang
xiao wo sha
pei wo huang

dang wo zhao dao xing fu qu xiang
bang wo kuai le de hua zhuang
pei wo sha
xiao wo huang

(Repeat **)

English Translation Lyrics

The bed you've clean spotless
is the place where I clear out my mind (and)
cried and hugged you till daylight.
You were awaiting for that happiness in the kitchen
for the Valentine's Day dinner.
However it was me accompanying you tasting it.

The closet isn't consider that wide
to store your paradise.
Still, you've invited me to share it (with you).
Our love is alike.
We've all been hurt by men.
However, (we) still continue to be hurt.

When the sky is dusky,
when the temperature is abnormal,
you use your enormous strength
(and) all of (your) energy to withstand (it).
When (there are) criticizing looks,
when (there are) ear-piercing sounds,
you use the tender package;
the romance of a rainbow.

The closet isn't consider that wide
to store your paradise.
Still, you've invited me to share it (with you).
Our love is alike.
We've all been hurt by men.
However, (we) still continue to be hurt.

When the sky is dusky,
when the temperature is abnormal,
you use your enormous strength
(and) all of (your) energy to withstand (it).
When (there are) criticizing looks,
when (there are) ear-piercing sounds,
you use the tender package;
the romance of a rainbow.

Seeing me throwing away his tuxedo,
(your) eyes were turning more red then mines.
(You've) laughed at my foolishness
(and) accompanied me going crazy.
When I find the route of blissfulness,
help me put on the make up of happiness,
accompany me being foolish,
(and) laugh at me going crazy.

When the sky is dusky,
when the temperature is abnormal,
you use your enormous strength
(and) all of (your) energy to withstand (it).
When (there are) criticizing looks,
when (there are) ear-piercing sounds,
you use the tender package;
the romance of a rainbow.

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