
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jolin Tsai - Xu Yuan Chi De Xi La Shao Nu lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilin

Greek Girl by the Wishing Pond (許願池的希臘少女; Xu Yuan Chi De Xi La Shao Nu)

Album: J-Game (野蠻游戲)

Han zi Lyrics 歌詞

左岸的一座 白色環形階梯 浪人正在 用和絃練習憂鬱
晨曦下的少女 聽著吉他旋律 在許願池邊 巴洛克式的嘆息

少女手中 的銀幣 想要愛情
她的秘密 地中海湛藍色的希臘婚禮

蒙馬特丘陵 叼煙斗男性 低頭穿過 前方蜿蜒的孤寂
對著空氣收集 他新詩的下一句 遠方少女 跟他一樣在猶豫

#少女手中 的銀幣 沉入池裡
她的表情像漣漪 那麼透明美麗
吉他 換成 了快樂 的圓舞曲
詩人決定了標題 許願池的希臘少女

La La La La La La La La La La La……

Repeat # , #

La La La La La La La La La La La


La La La La La La La La La La La……

Pinyin Lyrics

zuo an de yi zuo bai se huai xing jie ti
lang ren zheng zai yong he xian lian xi you yu
chen xi xia de shao nv ting zhe ji ta xuan lu
zai xu yuan chi bian ba luo ke shi de tan xi

shao nu shou zhong
de yin bi xiang yao ai qing
ta de mi mi
di zhong hai zhan lan se de xi la hun li

meng ma te qiu ling diao yan dou nan xing
di tou chuan guo qian fang wan yan de gu ji
dui zhe kong qi shou ji ta xin shi de xia yi ju
yuan fang shao nv gen ta yi yang zai you yu

shao nu shou zhong
de yin bi chen ru chi li
ta de biao qing
xiang lian yi na me tou ming mei li
li ta huan cheng
le kuai le de yuan wu qu
shi ren jue ding
le biao ti xu yuan chi de xi la shao nu

English Translation Lyrics

on the Rive Gauche, beneath a white spiral staircase
the wanderers practice their melancholy on the chords

under the glimmer of dawn the maiden listens to the guitar's melody
beside the wishing pool she sighs in a baroque style

the silver coin in the maiden's hand wants to find love
her secret wish, a greek wedding in the deep blue mediterranean sea

on the Montmartre hill, a man smokes with the pipe in his mouth
passing through with his head bowed low, the meandering loneliness ahead

looking to the air to gather the next line for his new poem
far away the maiden is hesitating just like him

the silver coin in the maiden's hand sinks into the pool
her expression is transparent and beautiful like the ripples

the guitars changed into a merry waltz
and the poet decided on his title: The greek maiden by the wishing pool

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