
Monday, June 4, 2012

Jolin Tsai - Wo Zhi Dao Ni Hen Nan Guo lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilin
Wo Zhi Dao Ni Hen Nan Guo
I Know You Are Sad
Lyrics English Translation & Romanized


Album: Jolin 1019 

 Authors: Hu Ruhong
 Composer: Ye Liangjun

 Han zi Lyrics 

愛一個人 需要緣份
你何苦讓自己 越陷越深

愛一個人 別太認真
你受傷的眼神 令人心疼
沒有一個人 非要另一個人
你又何苦逼自己 面對傷痕

感情的付出 不是真心就會有結果
別問怎麼做 愛才能長久
昨天是戀人 今天說分手就分手
別問你的痛 要怎麼解脫
多情的人注定 傷得比較久

愛一個人 別太認真
你受傷的眼神 令人心疼
沒有一個人 非要另一個人
你又何苦逼自己 面對傷痕

感情的付出 不是真心就會有結果
別問怎麼做 愛才能長久
昨天是戀人 今天說分手就分手
別問你的痛 要怎麼解脫
多情的人注定 傷得比較久

愛若變成了刺 思念也成了癡

感情的付出 不是真心就會有結果
別問怎麼做 愛才能長久
昨天是戀人 今天說分手就分手
別問你的痛 要怎麼解脫
多情的人注定 傷得比較久

Pinyin Lyrics 

Wo zhi dao ni hen nan guo,
Ai yi ge ren shu yao yuen fen,
Ni he ku rang zhi ji yue xian yue shen,
Bie sha de yong ni de tian zhen,
Qu peng chu bu an de ling huen,
Mei yi tian zhi neng zhi zhi de deng.

Ai yi ge ren bie tai ren zhen,
Ni shou shang de yuen shen,
Ling ren xin teng,
Mei you yi ge ren, mei yau li ge ren
Chai neng guo yi sheng,
Ni you he ku bi zhi ji mian dui shang hen,

Wo zhi dao ni hen nan guo,
Gan qing de fu chu bu shi zhen xin jiu hui you jie guo,
Bie wen zhe me zhuo,
Ai chai neng zhang jiu zhe dao li you yi tian ni hui dong,
Wo zhi dao ni hen nan guo,
Zhuo tian shi lian ren jin tian shuo fen shou jiu fen shou,
Bie wen ni de tong, yao zhe me jie tuo,
Duo qing de ren zhu ding, shang de bi jiao jiu.

Ai luo bian cheng le zhi shi nian ye cheng le chi, oh yeah ..... ,
Ye xue xin sui shi ai qing zui mei de yang zhi.

English Translation Lyrics

Fate is needed to stay in love
Why do you let yourself get caught up
Don't be foolish and try
to touch an uneasy soul with your innocence
and end up waiting every single day
Don't be too serious in love
The pain in your eyes is heart-wrenching
No one has to have another to live a life
Why do you force yourself to face the wounds
I know you're feeling blue
Even the sincerest love may end up in vain
Don't ask what you have to do to make love last
One day you will understand
I know you're feeling blue
Breaking up when you were in love just yesterday
Don't ask how you can break from your pain
The one who loved more is destined to hurt more
Don't be too serious in love
The pain in your eyes is heart-wrenching
No one has to have another to live a life
Why do you force yourself to face the wounds
Repeat **
If love has become a thorn
and longings have become an obsession
Maybe a broken heart is the most beautiful face of love
Repeat **

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