
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jolin Tsai - Prove It lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilin

Prove It

Album: Magic (看我72變)


Han zi Lyrics 歌詞

一直忘了問你為什麼 你這幾天的態度不及格
你對我有多好多好呢 Prove it Prove it to me

為了愛你所以故意忽略你 為了消滅你的小聰明
為了拒絕去玩那麼複雜的遊戲 為了 忽然懷疑
別再大聲之後說對不起 別說你的衣服很流行
別把愛情放在天方夜譚裡 別扯 無聊原因

你的電力今天有幾格 你一邊說話一邊想誰呢
你對我有多好多好呢 Prove it Prove it to me
愛也給人作夢的顏色 愛也給人說NO的選擇
愛也給我怪你問你的理由 Prove it Prove it to me

這種愛人真的讓人煩惱 這種笑話真的太低級
這種約會真的沒有意義 OK我隨便你
因為愛情讓我百思不解 因為你的愛情雷陣雨
因為看不出你有多愛我 Oh fine 你別神氣

愛你有點累 所以無所謂 不稀罕你
沒有欠你債 不喜歡走開 沒問題 忘恩負義

Pinyin Lyrics

Yi zhi wang le wen ni wei shen me ni zhe ji tian de tai du bu ji ge
Ni dui wo you duo hao duo hao ne prove it prove it to me
Wei le ai ni suo yi gu yi hu lue ni wei le xiao mie ni de xiao cong ming

Wei le ju jue qu wan na me fu za de you xi wei le hu ran huai yi
Bie zai da sheng zhi hou shuo dui bu qi bie shuo ni de yi fu hen liu xing

Bie ba ai qing fang zai tian fang ye tan li bie che wu liao yuan yin

Ni de dian li jin tian you ji ge ni yi bian shuo hua yi bian xiang shei
Ni dui wo you duo hao duo hao ne prove it prove it to me
Ai gei ren zuo meng de yan se ai ye gei ren shuono de xuan ze
Ai ye gei wo guai ni wen ni de li you prove it prove it to me
Zhe zhong ai ren zhen de rang ren fan nao zhe zhong xiao hua zhen de tai
Di ji
Zhe zhong yue hui zhen de mei you yi yi ok wo sui bian ni
Yin wei ai qing rang wo bai si bu jie yin wei ni de ai shi lei zhen yu

Yin wei kan bu chu ni you duo ai wo oh fine ni bie shen qi
Ni de dian li jin tian you ji ge ni yi bian shuo hua yi bian xiang shei
Ni dui wo you duo hao duo hao ne prove it prove it to me
Ai gei ren zuo meng de yan se ai ye gei ren shuono de xuan ze
Ai ye gei wo guai ni wen ni de li you prove it prove it to me
Ai ni you dian lei suo yi wu suo wei bu xi han ni
Mei you qian ni zhai bu xi huan zou kai mei wen ti wang en fu yi
Ni de dian li jin tian you ji ge ni yi bian shuo hua yi bian xiang shei
Ni dui wo you duo hao duo hao ne prove it prove it to me
Ai gei ren zuo meng de yan se ai ye gei ren shuono de xuan ze
Ai ye gei wo guai ni wen ni de li you prove it prove it to me

English Translation Lyrics

Keep forgetting to ask you why you these days the attitude of failing
You mean to me a lot of good Prove, it Prove, it to me

To love you so deliberately ignored in order to eliminate your smart
To refuse to play less complex games to suddenly suspected
Do not loudly after I am sorry not to mention your clothes are very popular
Do not love on the Arabian Nights, busted silly reason

Your power, a few cells, while she would like to Who
You mean to me a lot of good Prove, it Prove, it to me
Love also gives the dream the color of love also gives NO choice
Love to blame you ask your reasons Prove, it Prove, it to me

This love is really people worry this joke is really too low-level
This appointment really does not make sense to OK I can be you
Love me puzzled because you love thundershowers
Do not see how much you love me Oh, fine, you do not air

Love you a little tired so it does not matter do not care
Do not owe your debt does not like to go away no problem ungrateful

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