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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 特務 J; Te Wu J lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilin
Agent J (特務J; Te Wu J)


Album: Agent J (特務J)

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 特務 J; Te Wu J cover

Hanzi / Chinese Lyrics 歌詞


轉身我來到美麗的結界 冒險開演

大寫J 像一隻蠍 鮮豔的刺 是我的識別
我愛誰 也不愛誰 我是愛情 派來的間諜

完美特務J 冰凍全場焦點
完美特務J 戲份拿捏最會
愛的不知不覺 卻永遠無法兌現


轉身我來到美麗的結界 冒險開演

大寫J 像一隻蠍 鮮豔的刺 是我的識別
我愛誰 也不愛誰 我是愛情 派來的間諜

完美特務J 冰凍全場焦點
完美特務J 戲份拿捏最會
愛的不知不覺 卻永遠無法兌現

愛情 有十誡 戒懶 戒自卑 戒悶 戒愛現 戒膚淺
愛情 有十誡 戒宅 戒失戀 戒煙 戒永遠沒主見(沒主見 沒主見)

完美特務J 冰凍全場焦點
完美特務J 戲份拿捏最會
愛的不知不覺 卻永遠無法兌現

完美特務J 掌控浪漫氛圍
完美特務J 任務宣告終結
凡爾賽的玫瑰 是我最後的告別

Pinyin Lyrics

Jian jiao hua po
Man chang hei ye
Xiang shui tou lu
Ni di fang wei

Xiang wei xiao shi
Se na he bian

Shen ye liu xing
Gou yin yue yuan
Meng zhu mian wo tiao
Guo sheng mu yuan

Zhuan shen wo lai dao
Mei li di jie jie
Mao xian kai yan

Da xie J
Xiang yi zhi xie
Xian yan di ci
Shi wo di shi bie
Wo ai shei ye bu
Ai shei wo shi ai qing
Pai lai di jian de

*Wan mei te wu J
Bing dong quan
Chang jiao dian
Ba ni ding ge zai
Ai qing mang dian
Wan mei te wu J
Xi fen na nie
Zui hui
Ai de bu zhi bu jue
Que yong yuan wu fa
Dui xian

Repeat All Once

Ai qing you ming jie
Jie lan jie zi bei
Jie men jie ai xian jie
Fu qian

Ai qing you ming jie
Jie zhai jie shi lian
Jieyan jie yongyuan
Mei zhu jian

* Repeat

Wan mei te wu J
Zhang kong langman fenwei
Rang ni zou jin aiqing bu gui ye
Wan mei te wu J
Renwu xuangao zhong jie
Fan er sai di meigui  shi wo
Zui hou di gaobie

English Translation Lyrics

Screams pierced the long, dark night.
Perfume revealed your position
The scent disappeared near the Seine River
The shooting star moved further and further away
Concealed I ran to Notre Dame
I turned around and came to a stop, the danger begins

Those Js are like one straight line, bright thorns are my identification
I love someone, yet I love no one.
I am a spy sent by love

Perfect Agent J frozen the center stage
Stopped you in love's wake
Perfect Agent J will always destroy
Love is unconscious, in reality people can't be fulfilled

Screams pierced the long, dark night.
Perfume revealed your position
The scent disappeared near the Seine River
The shooting star moved further and further away
Concealed I ran to Notre Dame
I turned around and came to a stop, the danger begins

Those Js are like one straight line, bright thorns are my identification
I love someone, yet I love no one.
I am a spy sent by love

Perfect Agent J frozen the center stage
Stopped you in love's wake
Perfect Agent J will always destroy
Love is unconscious, in reality people can't be fulfilled

Love has ten Commandments: don't be lazy, don't be boring, don't show off
Love has ten Commandments: don't be shallow, don't always wait, don't smoke, be assertive.

Perfect Agent J frozen the center stage
Stopped you in love's wake
Perfect Agent J will always destroy
Love is unconscious, in reality people can't be fulfilled

Perfect Agent J controls the romantic atmosphere
Leads you into love that never turns to night
Perfect Agent J proclaims her job is finished
The Rose of Versailles is my final farewell

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