
Monday, June 4, 2012

Jolin Tsai - He Shi Jie Zuo Lin Ju (Wo Ke Yi) lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilin
He Shi Jie Zuo Lin Ju (Wo Ke Yi)
Living With The World (I Can)
Album: Jolin 1019

作詞:莊靜文 作曲:伍樂城 編曲:Terence Teo
Authors: Zhuang Jingwen Composer: Ronald Ng Arranged by: Terence Teo
Han zi Lyrics 歌詞

夢想 捉著天使的翅膀 飛越 所有戰亂的地方
我們 相識相知相惜 相守這一場 有你認真的陪伴 笑容更燦爛

夢想 打造一個小城堡 只為有些快樂的希望 相信從這裡開始
攜手走向四面八方 有你在我的身旁 這世界不會孤單

我可以 瘋狂大膽的飛行 尋找生命的奇蹟
我可以 用心擁抱 用力的呼吸
我可以 追逐青春的夢想 不管多遠的距離 和世界做鄰居 我可以

年輕 就是歌聲很嘹亮 純真 就是笑得很健康
當你覺得很受傷 想找個小小避風港 我就在你的身旁 關心從來不打烊

Pinyin Lyrics

Mèngxiǎng zhuōzhe tiānshǐ de chìbǎng fēiyuè suǒyǒu zhànluàn dì dìfāng
Wǒmen xiāngshí xiāngzhī xiāng xī xiāng shǒu zhè yīchǎng yǒu nǐ rènzhēn de péibàn xiàoróng gèng cànlàn

Mèngxiǎng dǎzào yīgè xiǎo chéngbǎo zhǐ wèi yǒuxiē kuàilè de xīwàng xiāngxìn cóng zhèlǐ kāishǐ
Xiéshǒu zǒuxiàng sìmiànbāfāng yǒu nǐ zài wǒ de shēn páng zhè shìjiè bù huì gūdān

Wǒ kěyǐ fēngkuáng dàdǎn de fēixíng xúnzhǎo shēngmìng de qíjī
Wǒ kěyǐ yòngxīn yǒngbào yònglì de hūxī
Wǒ kěyǐ zhuīzhú qīngchūn de mèngxiǎng bùguǎn duō yuǎn de jùlí hé shìjiè zuò línjū wǒ kěyǐ

Niánqīng jiùshì gēshēng hěn liáoliàng chúnzhēn jiùshì xiào de hěn jiànkāng
Dāng nǐ juéde hěn shòushāng xiǎng zhǎo gè xiǎo xiǎo bìfēnggǎng wǒ jiù zài nǐ de shēn páng guānxīn cónglái bu dǎyàng

English Translation Lyrics

Dream of holding on angel wings over the place in all the chaos of war
We knew them Xiangxi spend a serious, accompanied by a smile more bright

The dream to build a small castle to believe that from here only for the hope of some happy
Hand in hand towards all directions you are not alone in this world of my side

I can be crazy and daring flight to find the miracle of life
I can carefully embrace the hard breathing
I can chase the dream of youth regardless of how far the distance and the world make the best neighbors I can

Young is singing very loud and clear and pure laugh very healthy
When you feel very hurt to find a little haven beside you care never closing

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