
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 海盜; Hai Dao lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai YilinPirates (海盜; Hai Dao)

Album: Castle (城堡)

Han zi Lyrics 歌詞

黃色煙硝 還在飄 頭頂風帆 在鼓譟

濕透雙腳 乾不了 曬傷眼角 顧不了

頭巾纏繞著驕傲 淚藏在黑色眼罩
長髮在船頭舞蹈 啦啦啦啦

盡頭 當找到那些寶藏
以後 當滿足了冒險的
念頭 幸福是否在岸上
等候 故事對它細說從頭

啦啦啦啦 冷漠背後 躲著溫柔
我還記得 誰在嘶吼 看你低著頭 我站在船頭
啦啦啦啦 黑色的風 吹熄燭火
暴風雨外 那片天空 幸福在招手

冰山一角 在竊笑 險惡暗潮 在圍剿

鼻間酒意 還沒消 受潮菸草 怪味道
寫封信 寄不到

擾人清夢的號角 船舵瘋狂的奔跑

終點就在前頭 前頭盡頭
等找到那些寶藏 以後 寶藏以後
當滿足了冒險 的念頭
幸福是否 在岸上等候

盡頭 當找到那些寶藏
以後 當滿足了冒險的
念頭 幸福是否在岸上 等候

啦啦啦啦 冷漠背後 躲著溫柔
我還記得 誰在嘶吼 看你低著頭 我站在船頭
啦啦啦啦 黑色的風 吹熄燭火
暴風雨外 那片天空 幸福在招手

等候 好不了的傷口
在美麗的港口 寂寞的出口 發燙的胸口
等候 好不了的傷口
在美麗的港口 寂寞的出口

Pinyin Lyrics

huang se yan xiao huan zai piao
tou ding feng fan zai gu zao
yi shun jian de feng bao

shi tou shuang jiao gan bu le
shai shang yan jiao bu ku le
dui zhao kuang feng pao xiao

tou jin chan rao zhao jiao ao
mai cang zai hei se yan zhao
chang fa zai chuan tou wu piao

zai zhao dao na xie bao cang yi hou
ta fa chu le mao xian de nian tou
xing fu shi fou zai an shang deng hou
bu shi dui ta xi shuo cong tou

la la la la
leng mo bei hou duo zhao wen rou
wo huan ji de xian zai ci hou
kan ni di zhe tou wo zhan zai chuan tou
la la la la
hei se de feng chui xi zhao wo
bao feng yu lai na pian tian kong
xing fu zai zhao shou

bing shan yi jiao zai jie xiao
xian e an chao zai gui jiao
mei mu biao de mu biao

yu tian jiu ni ai wei xiao
shao jiao yan cao guai wei dao
xie feng xin ji bu dao

rao ren qing meng de hao jiao
chuan guo feng kuang de ben pao
yong yuan xia bu le de mao

zai zhao dao na xie bao cang yi hou
ta fa chu le mao xian de nian tou
xing fu shi fou zai an shang deng hou
bu shi dui ta xi shuo cong tou

jin tou yi hou nian tou deng hou

la la la la
leng mo bei hou duo zhao wen rou
wo huan ji de xian zai ci hou
kan ni di zhao tou wo zhan zai chuan tou
la la la la
hei se de feng chui xi zhao wo
bao feng yu lai na pian tian kong
xing fu zai zhao shou

deng hou hao bu le de shang kou
zai mei li de gang kou
ji mo de chu kou
fa tang de xiong kou

deng hou hao bu le de shang kou
zai mei li de gang kou
ji mo de chu kou

English Translation Lyrics

Yellow smoke still lingers in the air
The sail that touches my head is encouraging me
A momentary storm
Wets both feet, it won't dry
The burnt corners of my eyes i can't be bothered
Shouting, i face the strong winds

Pride is wrapped in the bandanna
Buried in the black eye patch
At the front of my boat, my long hair dances

(Jay) After finding the treasure
He satisfies his idea to take risks
Is happiness waiting on the shore
The story reminds him from the beginning

There is gentle warmth hidden behind coldness
I still remember, who was shouting
Watching you bend your head, i stand at the boat's front
Black wind blows, extinguishing the candles
the storm that brings about this sky
Happiness is waving

One corner of the ice mountain is smiling secretly
Dangerous dark waters are surrounding for the kill
The goal to have no goals

Intoxication from alcohol has not disappeared
Damp tobacco leaves gives off a weird smell
Write a letter that cannot be sent

The horn sound that disturbs me from my dreams
The sail is flapping crazily
The anchor that can never be cast

(Skip the rap)

The end The next time The thought The wait

Repeat *

The wait for a wound that can never heal
In a beautiful harbour
A lonely exit
A burning chest

The wait for a wound that can never heal
In a beautiful harbour
A lonely exit

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