
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - 倒帶; Dao Dai lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilinfeat. Jay ChouRewind (倒帶; Dao Dai)

Album: Castle (城堡)


Han zi Lyrics 歌詞

我受夠了等待 你所謂的安排 說的未來到底多久才來
總是要來不及 才知道我可愛 我想依賴而你卻都不在

應該開心的地帶 你給的全是空白
一個人假日發呆 找不到人陪我看海
我在幸福的門外 卻一直都進不來
你累積給的傷害 我是真的很難釋懷

#終於看開 愛回不來 而你總是太晚明白
最後才把話說開 哭著求我留下來
終於看開 愛回不來 我們面前太多阻礙
你的手卻放不開 寧願沒出息 求我別離開

你總是要我乖 慢慢計畫將來 我的眼淚卻一直掉下來
過去怎麼交代 你該給的信賴 被你親手緩緩推入懸崖

從我臉上的蒼白 看到記憶慢下來
過去甜蜜在倒帶 只是感覺已經不在
而我對你的期待 被你一次次摔壞
已經碎成太多塊 要怎麼拼湊跟重來

Repeat #,#

Pinyin Lyrics

wo shou gou le deng dai ni suo wei de an pai
shuo de wei lai dao di duo jiu cai lai
zong shi yao lai bu ji cai zhi dao wo ke ai
wo xiang yi lai er ni que dou bu zai

ying gai kai xin de di dai
ni gei de quan shi kong bai 
yi ge ren jia ri fa dai
zhao bu dao ren pei wo kan hai
wo zai xing fu de men wai 
que yi zhi dou jin bu lai
ni lei ji gei de shang hai
wo shi zhen de hen nan shi huai

zhong yu kan kai ai hui bu lai 
er ni zong shi tai wan ming bai
zui hou cai ba hua shuo kai
ku zhe qiu wo liu xia lai
zhong yu kan kai ai hui bu lai
wo men mian qian tai duo zu ai
ni de shou que fang bu kai
ning yuan mei chu xi qiu wo bie li kai

Verse 2:
ni zong shi yao wo guai man man ji hua jiang lai
wo de yan lei que yi zhi diao xia lai
guo qu zen me jiao dai ni gai gei de xin lai
bei ni qin shou huan huan tui ru xuan ya

cong wo lian shang de cang bai
kan dao ji yi man xia lai
guo qu tian mi zai dao dai
zhi shi gan jue yi jing bu zai
er wo dui ni de qi dai
bei ni yi ci ci shuai huai
yi jing sui cheng tai duo kuai
yao zen me ping cou gen chong lai

Repeat Chorus 2x

English Translation Lyrics

Verse 1:
I had enough of waiting for your so called arrangement
How long is it going to take of the future that you’re talking about to arrive?
It is always too late for you to realize that I’m adorable
When I feel like relying on you, you’re not there

I’m at a state where I should be happy
All that you have given are emptiness
Staring in space by myself during holiday
I can’t find anyone to watch the ocean with me
I’m just outside the door leading to happiness
But I’m unable to enter it
The pain that you have cumulatively inflicted on me
It’s really hard for me to be released from it

I'm finally able to accept the fact that this love isn’t coming back
It’s always too late for you to understand that
You only speak your mind at the very end
You pleaded for me to stay with your eyes covered in tears
I’m finally able to accept the fact that this love isn’t coming back
There are too many obstacles ahead of us
However, you wouldn’t loosen you grip
You rather be deemed worthless and begged for me to stay

Verse 2:
You always wanted me to be obedient, slowly planning for the future
But my tears kept falling down
How have you displayed the trust that you are supposed to give in the past?
Those are all slowly pushed down the cliff by yourself

From the paleness on my face
I see the memories slowing down
The sweet memories of the past are rewinding
Except that the feelings are no longer there
And for the hopes that I have placed on you
They are smashed into pieces by you over and over again
They are smashed into too many pieces
How am I suppose to put them back together again and restart everything?

Repeat Chorus 2x

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