
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jolin Tsai - Bu Shou lyrics

Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 Cai Yilin

Catcher (捕手; Bu Shou)


Album: Lucky Number

Music: Lee Shih Shiong

Han zi Lyrics 歌詞

*你一沉默就是投手 丟出問號讓我接手 猜不透你在想什麼
我越愛你越像捕手 你的一切很難捕捉
我們的左右 滿地都是漏接的球

#愛你 太多 卻看你一路退縮
你把我 當成對手 連拒絕都不願明說
等你 愛我 我變成寂寞捕手
哪一句才是承諾 或者只是朋友問候
或者你愛這麼的吊我胃口 的愛我

Repeat *,#

愛我 等你愛我

Repeat #

愛我 等你愛我

Pin yin Lyrics 

Ni yi chen mo jiu shi tou shou diu chu wen hao rang wo jie shou cai bu
Tou ni zai xiang shen me
Wo yue ai ni yue xiang bu shou ni de yi qie hen nan bu zhuo wo men de
Zuo you man di dou shi
Lou jie de qiu ai qing zen me neng ru ci mei you mo qi de san luo ai
Ni tai duo
Que kan ni yi lu tui suo ni ba wo dang cheng dui shou lian ju jue dou
Bu yuan ming shuo
Deng ni ai wo wo bian cheng ji mo bu shou na yi ju cai shi cheng nuo
Huo zhe zhi shi peng you wen hou
Huo zhe ni ai zhe me de diao wo wei kou de ai wo

English Translation Lyrics

* Are you a silent pitcher to throw a question mark I took over guess what you're thinking.
The more I love you more like a catcher you all very difficult to capture
Our left and right all over the place bobble ball
Love, how can such a tacit agreement of the scattered

# Love you too much, but see you all the way back down
You think of me as a rival even refuse are reluctant to say so
Do you love me, I become lonely catcher
Which sentence is the commitment or just a friend greetings
Or you love to love me so hanging my appetite

Repeat *, #

Love I'll wait for you love me

Repeat #

Love I'll wait for you love me

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